altaiiiir / Viner

Welcome to Viner, a mod inspired by the classic Veinminer! With Viner, you can mine blocks in veins, saving you precious time from digging into walls. It's all about efficiency!
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Viner Mod for Minecraft


Viner is an innovative Minecraft mod inspired by the classic Veinminer, designed to enhance the mining experience by enabling players to mine entire veins of blocks in one go. This efficiency-focused mod saves time and effort, making resource gathering more enjoyable and less tedious.


Technical Highlights


The mod introduces an efficient networking layer to handle custom actions like vein mining activation and configuration toggling. By using abstract packet classes like AbstractPacket, the mod establishes a robust system for sending and receiving data packets, ensuring smooth operation even in multiplayer environments.

Event-Based Architecture

Viner operates on an event-driven architecture, listening for specific game events (e.g., key presses, block breaks) to trigger vein mining logic. This approach allows for high modularity and easier maintenance, as each component reacts to events independently.

Algorithms and Efficiency

At the core of Viner's vein mining logic are algorithms designed to quickly identify connected blocks of the same type. This involves traversing the block grid in a manner that minimizes unnecessary checks, using efficient data structures to keep track of visited and pending blocks.


  1. Ensure Minecraft and Forge are installed.
  2. Download the latest Viner mod release.
  3. Place the mod file in your Minecraft's mods folder.
  4. Launch the game and configure the mod to your liking through the config file viner-common.toml.


Viner's settings can be customized from the in-game mod configuration menu or by editing the configuration file directly. This includes specifying which blocks are vein-minable, adjusting key bindings, customizable mining shapes, and more.


Contributions are welcome! Whether it's reporting bugs, suggesting features, or contributing code, feel free to open an issue or pull request on our GitHub repository.


Viner is distributed under GNU General Public License v3.0 only. Please refer to the GNU General Public License v3.0 only file for more details.