altemose / NTRprism

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README for NTRprism scripts v0.22

Nicolas Altemose, 2021

Required files


Step 1) Obtain a fasta file containing sequences from regions of interest. One spectrum will be produced per sequence in the fasta file.

e.g. use samtools faidx to extract regions from a reference genome

Step 2) run perl script to generate human readable tables

Step 3) make plots in R

make spectral plots for all regions using bin size 1

for i in *.bin1.txt;do
    j=$(perl -lae 'if(m/region_(.+)\.span/){print "$1"}' <(echo $i)) #automatically extract region name from filename
    Rscript NTRprism_PlotSpectrum.r --args $i $j 5000 NTRprism_Plot

make heatmaps for all regions using bin size 100

for i in *.bin100.txt;do
    j=$(perl -lae 'if(m/region_(.+)\.span/){print "$1"}' <(echo $i))
    Rscript NTRprism_PlotHeatmap.r --args $i $j 5000 100 NTRprism_Plot

Full test run

using provided test.fa file (beta satellite from chr1 and chr9, with 68 bp and 2596 bp units)

perl test.fa NTRprism_TEST 100 5000 30 6 0
perl test.fa NTRprism_TEST 1 5000 30 6 0
for i in *.bin1.txt;do
    j=$(perl -lae 'if(m/region_(.+)\.span/){print "$1"}' <(echo $i)) #automatically extract region name from filename
    Rscript NTRprism_PlotSpectrum.r --args $i $j 5000 NTRprism_TEST
for i in *.bin100.txt;do
    j=$(perl -lae 'if(m/region_(.+)\.span/){print "$1"}' <(echo $i))
    Rscript NTRprism_PlotHeatmap.r --args $i $j 5000 100 NTRprism_TEST


#NTRprism pseudocode
#Let S be a string of [ACGT] of length s.
#Let S[i:i+k-1] be the substring of S starting at 0-based index i, 
#    and having length k.
#Let K be a dictionary of k-mers, used to store the last observed
#    position of each k-mer.
#Let j be a particular k-mer of length k.
#Let L be a dictionary of k-mers, with each entry L[j] as an array of 
#    0s of length m+1 [0-based indexing], with m equal to the longest 
#    allowed repeat periodicity.
#Let t be the threshold for minimum observed k-mer count [default 2].

while(i < s-k){ #loop through all substrings of length k in the sequence  
    j = S[i:i+k-1] 
    if(exists L[j]){ #if this particular k-mer j has been seen before, record the  
                    interval length between the last occurrence and this occurrence
        interval = i-K[j] 
        if(interval > m+1){ #if longer than the max span m, store it as m+1
            interval = m+1
        L[j][interval-1]++ #increment the interval length’s count in j’s array
    }else{ #if this is the first occurrence of j, initialize its count array
    K[j]=i #store the current occurrence's position
sorted = sort(j in L, sum(L[j]), descending) #create an array of all observed k-mers       
                                         in descending order of their frequency in S

ColSums = array(0,m+1) #initialize an array of 0s to store normalized column sums
while(c < length(sorted)){ #loop through all observed k-mers
    j = sorted[c]
    count = sum(L[j])+1 #report the count of j as the number of intervals +1
    if(count >= t){
        L[j] = L[j]/(count-1) #normalize interval count array to sum to 1
last if(count < t)
i=0 #increment column sums
        ColSums[i] = ColSums[i] + L[j][i]
ColSums=ColSums/c #normalize col. sums by the tot. no. of k-mers above thresh. t
Lmat = L[sorted[0:c]] #create a matrix from L with each row corresponding to a k-mer 
#above the count threshold m, sorted by decreasing frequency, 
#and each column corresponding to an interval length
print(Lmat) #print the normalized, sorted, thresholded matrix
heatmap(Lmat) #plot the matrix as a heatmap
barplot(ColSums) #plot ColSums as a barplot to produce an NTR spectrum plot
TopPeak = argmax(ColSums[0:m-1])+1 #report the most common repeat periodicity (excluding m+1)