For the moment, two different approaches have been considered, given an instance of a graph G(V, E) and a solution represented as a permutation of the different vertices in V in a set of size |V|:
The first, to simply choose the different labels as random integers within the available numbers from 1 to |V|, which is, in itself, efficient, but not enoughly consistent for the methods applied afterwards.
The second, a greedy algorithm that decides with a breadth first search starting in a first labeled vertex, the labeling for the neighbors of the currently visited vertex, based on the __optimality criteria AB(V_i)__ applied to each neighbor following a first-come-first-served approach. A pseudocode for the described method is provided:
char[] starting solution = {A, ...}; // A is assigned to the label 1 by default
int[] non-visited = {2, 3, 4, 5...}; // Rest of the labels
for (auto vertex : GRAPH) {
for (auto neighbor : vertex.neighborhood) {
if (!neighbor.isLabeled()) { // If neighbor does not have a label assigned
int min_label = 0; // Position in the array
for (int i = 1; i < non-visited.size(); i++) {
if (AB_vertex(vertex.label, non-visited[i]) < AB_vertex(vertex.label, non-visited[min_label])) {
//min{f[v_i] - f[n_i]}
min_label = i;
// label neighbor as min_label
starting_solution[min_label] = neighbor;
if (non-visited.empty()) break; // optimization
*DISCLAIMER: actual implementation may vary the data structures utilized in provided examples.
For the GRASP construction algorithm, a simple cardinality criteria can be followed, applying the __AB(v_i) function to the total of label candidates and choosing labeling at random between the first k__ candidates.