alukach / Amazon-Alexa-RF-Outlets-Integration

Arduino-based Belkin We-Mo emulator to enable Amazon Alexa to interface with RF controlled power outlets.
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Switch.h and CallbackFunction.h error #1

Closed VelvetThunder1 closed 3 years ago

VelvetThunder1 commented 3 years ago

This is my first time using Arduino IDE, and I have directly copied the code and replaced it with my own RF signals from my own remote. Although, when I try to upload my code, I get the error for switch.h and callbackfunction.h, no such file or directory. I have also copied the code for the individual switch.h and callbackfunction.h scripts in the code section of this project and added them as .ino files name Switch and CallbackFunction into the Arduino library. I have also added the scripts for switch.h and callbackfunction into the main codebase in the beginning as to try to define switch and callbackfunction but to no avail. What should I do? This is the code:









ifndef CALLBACKFUNCTION_H //this is the beginning of the callbackfunction script



typedef void (*CallbackFunction) ();

endif //this is the end of the callbackfunction script

ifndef SWITCH_H //this is the beginning of the switch script

define SWITCH_H





include "CallbackFunction.h"

class Switch { private: ESP8266WebServer *server = NULL; WiFiUDP UDP; String serial; String persistent_uuid; String device_name; unsigned int localPort; CallbackFunction onCallback; CallbackFunction offCallback;

    void startWebServer();
    void handleEventservice();
    void handleUpnpControl();
    void handleRoot();
    void handleSetupXml();

public: Switch(); Switch(String alexaInvokeName, unsigned int port, CallbackFunction onCallback, CallbackFunction offCallback); ~Switch(); String getAlexaInvokeName(); void serverLoop(); void respondToSearch(IPAddress& senderIP, unsigned int senderPort); };

endif //this is the end of the switch script

include "switch.h"

include "UpnpBroadcastResponder.h"

include "CallbackFunction.h"

UpnpBroadcastResponder upnpBroadcastResponder;

Switch alexa_switch1 = NULL; Switch alexa_switch2 = NULL; Switch alexa_switch3 = NULL; Switch alexa_switch4 = NULL; Switch *alexa_switch5 = NULL;

// Callback prototypes void alexa_switch1On(); void alexa_switch1Off(); void alexa_switch2On(); void alexa_switch2Off(); void alexa_switch3On(); void alexa_switch3Off(); void alexa_switch4On(); void alexa_switch4Off(); void alexa_switch5On(); void alexa_switch5Off();

// Set Relay Pins int relayOne = 12; int relayTwo = 13; int relayThree = 14; int relayFour = 16;

// Names each relay/outlet/device is known by -- these are set during config char alexa_name1[100] = "1"; char alexa_name2[100] = "2"; char alexa_name3[100] = "3"; char alexa_name4[100] = "4"; char alexa_name5[100] = "5";

const char* AP_Name = "EchoBase1"; char saved_ssid[100] = ""; char saved_psk[100] = "";

// Flag for saving config data bool shouldSaveConfig = false; bool forceConfigPortal = false;

WiFiManager wifiManager;

// RF Tooling - RCSwitch RFSwitch = RCSwitch(); int RF_PULSE_LENGTH = 179; // Pulse length to use for RF transmitter int RF_TX_PIN = 0; // Digital pin connected to RF transmitter int RF_BIT_LENGTH = 24;

// RF Signals (varies per remote controlled plugin set) unsigned long rc_codes[5][2] = { // ON //OFF {5313843, 5313852}, / Outlet 1 / {5313987, 5313996}, / Outlet 2 / {5314307, 5314316}, / Outlet 3 / {335107, 335116}, / Outlet 4 / {341251, 341260}, / Outlet 5 / }; // Callback notifying us of the need to save config void saveConfigCallback () { Serial.println("Should save config"); shouldSaveConfig = true; }

void setup() { Serial.begin(115200);

// -- WifiManager handling

// 5-second delay in case you wish to observe boot-up for(int i=0; i < 5; i++) { Serial.print("."); delay(1000); } Serial.println("Booting");

// Clean FS, for testing... consider enabling if jumper is in flash mode, etc. // SPIFFS.format();

// Set the flash/boot pin for input so we can read if the jumper is present pinMode(0, INPUT); // If the jumper is in "flash" mode (i.e., pin 0 is grounded), we will be enabling the config portal forceConfigPortal = (digitalRead(0) == 0); if(forceConfigPortal) {
Serial.println("Jumper set for flash - will trigger config portal"); } else { Serial.println("Jumper set for boot - will attempt autoconnect, else config portal"); }

// Read configuration from FS json Serial.println("Mounting ESP8266 integrated filesystem..."); if (SPIFFS.begin()) { Serial.println("Mounted file system"); if (SPIFFS.exists("/config.json")) { Serial.println("Found existing config; reading file"); File configFile ="/config.json", "r"); if (configFile) { Serial.println("Opened config file for reading"); size_t size = configFile.size(); Serial.print("File size (bytes) = "); Serial.println(size); // Allocate a buffer to store contents of the file. std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[size]); configFile.readBytes(buf.get(), size); DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.parseObject(buf.get()); Serial.println("Parsed JSON content:"); json.printTo(Serial); Serial.println(); if (json.success()) { strcpy(alexa_name1, json["alexa_name1"]); strcpy(alexa_name2, json["alexa_name2"]); strcpy(alexa_name3, json["alexa_name3"]); strcpy(alexa_name4, json["alexa_name4"]); strcpy(alexa_name5, json["alexa_name5"]); Serial.println("Parsed Alexa relay name #1: " + String(alexa_name1)); Serial.println("Parsed Alexa relay name #2: " + String(alexa_name2)); Serial.println("Parsed Alexa relay name #3: " + String(alexa_name3)); Serial.println("Parsed Alexa relay name #4: " + String(alexa_name4)); Serial.println("Parsed Alexa relay name #5: " + String(alexa_name5)); } else { Serial.println(" ERROR Failed to load/parse JSON config"); } } else { Serial.println("No JSON file found in filesystem"); } } } else { Serial.println(" ERROR Failed to mount ESP8266's integrated filesyste,m"); }

// The extra parameters to be configured (can be either global or just in the setup) // After connecting, parameter.getValue() will get you the configured value // id/name placeholder/prompt default length WiFiManagerParameter custom_alexa_name1("alexa_name1", "Device #1 name", alexa_name1, 100); WiFiManagerParameter custom_alexa_name2("alexa_name2", "Device #2 name", alexa_name2, 100); WiFiManagerParameter custom_alexa_name3("alexa_name3", "Device #3 name", alexa_name3, 100); WiFiManagerParameter custom_alexa_name4("alexa_name4", "Device #4 name", alexa_name4, 100); WiFiManagerParameter custom_alexa_name5("alexa_name5", "Device #5 name", alexa_name5, 100);

// Set the function that will be called to save the custom parameter after config wifiManager.setSaveConfigCallback(saveConfigCallback);

// Hand the parameter defintions to the WifiManager for use during config wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_alexa_name1); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_alexa_name2); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_alexa_name3); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_alexa_name4); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_alexa_name5);

//reset settings - for testing //wifiManager.resetSettings();

//set minimu quality of signal so it ignores AP's under that quality //defaults to 8% //wifiManager.setMinimumSignalQuality();

//sets timeout until configuration portal gets turned off //useful to make it all retry or go to sleep //in seconds //wifiManager.setTimeout(120);

if(forceConfigPortal) { wifiManager.setSTAStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(10,0,1,99), IPAddress(10,0,1,1), IPAddress(255,255,255,0)); // Force config portal while jumper is set for flashing if (!wifiManager.startConfigPortal(AP_Name)) { Serial.println(" ERROR Failed to connect with new config / possibly hit config portal timeout; Resetting in 3sec..."); delay(3000); //reset and try again, or maybe put it to deep sleep ESP.reset(); delay(5000); } } else { // Autoconnect if we can

// Fetches ssid and pass and tries to connect; if it does not connect it starts an access point with the specified name
// and goes into a blocking loop awaiting configuration
if (!wifiManager.autoConnect(AP_Name)) {
  Serial.println("** ERROR ** Failed to connect with new config / possibly hit timeout; Resetting in 3sec...");
  //reset and try again, or maybe put it to deep sleep


// --- If you get here you have connected to the WiFi --- Serial.println("Connected to wifi"); // Save the connect info in case we need to reconnect WiFi.SSID().toCharArray(saved_ssid, 100); WiFi.psk().toCharArray(saved_psk, 100);

// Read updated parameters strcpy(alexa_name1, custom_alexa_name1.getValue()); strcpy(alexa_name2, custom_alexa_name2.getValue()); strcpy(alexa_name3, custom_alexa_name3.getValue()); strcpy(alexa_name4, custom_alexa_name4.getValue()); strcpy(alexa_name5, custom_alexa_name5.getValue()); Serial.println("Read configured Alexa relay name #1: " + String(alexa_name1)); Serial.println("Read configured Alexa relay name #2: " + String(alexa_name2)); Serial.println("Read configured Alexa relay name #3: " + String(alexa_name3)); Serial.println("Read configured Alexa relay name #4: " + String(alexa_name4)); Serial.println("Read configured Alexa relay name #5: " + String(alexa_name5));

// Save the custom parameters to the ESP8266 filesystem if changed if (shouldSaveConfig) { Serial.println("Saving config to ESP8266 filesystem"); DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.createObject(); json["alexa_name1"] = alexa_name1; json["alexa_name2"] = alexa_name2; json["alexa_name3"] = alexa_name3; json["alexa_name4"] = alexa_name4; json["alexa_name5"] = alexa_name5; Serial.println("Attempting to open config JSON file for writing"); File configFile ="/config.json", "w"); if (!configFile) { Serial.println(" ERROR Failed to open JSON config file for writing"); } else { json.printTo(Serial); Serial.println(); json.printTo(configFile); configFile.close(); Serial.println("File write complete"); } }

Serial.print("SSID: " ); Serial.println(WiFi.SSID()); Serial.print("Local IP: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());

// -- ALEXA setup/handling --


// Define your switches here. Max 14
// Format: Alexa invocation name, local port no, on callback, off callback
alexa_switch1 = new Switch(alexa_name1, 80, alexa_switch1On, alexa_switch1Off);
alexa_switch2 = new Switch(alexa_name2, 81, alexa_switch2On, alexa_switch2Off);
alexa_switch3 = new Switch(alexa_name3, 82, alexa_switch3On, alexa_switch3Off);
alexa_switch4 = new Switch(alexa_name4, 83, alexa_switch4On, alexa_switch4Off);
alexa_switch5 = new Switch(alexa_name5, 85, alexa_switch5On, alexa_switch5Off);

Serial.println("Adding switches upnp broadcast responder");

// Setup RF Transmitter


/ If disconnected from Wifi, enter a blocking loop that periodically attempts reconnection / void reconnectIfNecessary() { while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.println("Disconnected; Attempting reconnect to " + String(saved_ssid) + "..."); WiFi.disconnect(); WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA); WiFi.begin(saved_ssid, saved_psk); // Output reconnection status info every second over the next 10 sec for( int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++ ) { delay(1000); Serial.print("WiFi status = "); if( WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED ) { Serial.println("Connected"); break; } else { Serial.println("Disconnected"); } } if(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.println("Failure to establish connection after 10 sec. Will reattempt connection in 2 sec"); delay(2000); } } }

void loop() { // Ensure wifi is connected (won't return until it has connected) reconnectIfNecessary(); // Respond to any Alexa/discovery requests upnpBroadcastResponder.serverLoop(); // Respond to any UPnP control requests alexa_switch1->serverLoop(); alexa_switch2->serverLoop(); alexa_switch3->serverLoop(); alexa_switch4->serverLoop(); alexa_switch5->serverLoop(); }

void alexa_switch1On() { Serial.println("Switch 1 turn on ..."); enableOutlet(1, true); } void alexa_switch1Off() { Serial.println("Switch 1 turn off ..."); enableOutlet(1, false); }

void alexa_switch2On() { Serial.println("Switch 2 turn on ..."); enableOutlet(2, true); } void alexa_switch2Off() { Serial.println("Switch 2 turn off ..."); enableOutlet(2, false); }

void alexa_switch3On() { Serial.println("Switch 3 turn on ..."); enableOutlet(3, true); } void alexa_switch3Off() { Serial.println("Switch 3 turn off ..."); enableOutlet(3, false); }

void alexa_switch4On() { Serial.println("Switch 4 turn on ..."); enableOutlet(4, true); } void alexa_switch4Off() { Serial.println("Switch 4 turn off ..."); enableOutlet(4, false); }

void alexa_switch5On() { Serial.println("Switch 5 turn on ..."); enableOutlet(5, true); } void alexa_switch5Off() { Serial.println("Switch 5 turn off ..."); enableOutlet(5, false); }

void enableOutlet(int outletNumber, bool onOrOff) { if (outletNumber < 1 || outletNumber > 5) { Serial.println("Invalid outlet number"); return; }

unsigned long *onOffCodes = rc_codes[outletNumber - 1]; unsigned long codeToSend = onOffCodes[onOrOff ? 0 : 1]; RFSwitch.send(codeToSend, RF_BIT_LENGTH);

char outletNumberString[1]; int retVal = snprintf(outletNumberString, 1, "%d", outletNumber); if (retVal < 0) { Serial.println("Log encoding error"); return; }

Serial.print("Switch " + String(outletNumber) + " turned "); if (onOrOff) { Serial.println("on"); } else { Serial.println("off"); } }

VelvetThunder1 commented 3 years ago

I have also not replaced the signals for the fourth and fifth outlets as I only have three but wasn't sure which parts of code I needed so I didn't change it. Should I delete that code, and if so, which parts?