RF Power Outlets Controlled By Amazon Alexa
This code will create five FauxMo smart-home devices that emulate Belkin We-Mo switches. This is a third generation fork of code originally by kakopappa and can be found at https://github.com/kakopappa/arduino-esp8266-alexa-multiple-wemo-switch/tree/master/wemos.
Parts Used
- Detect frequency of signals sent from your wireless remote. This will vary per remote. Example
- Alter codebase to reflect your wireless remote's frequencies.
- Load code onto device via Arduino software
- Boot device
- Connect to ESP8266 device's wifi hotspot:
- On some browsing devices, configuration window will open automatically. If not, visit
- Configure WiFi settings.
- Use Alexa to search for smart home devices. If all worked, Belkin WeMo should be found.