alvatar / sphere-fusion

Multiplatform support and project generator for SchemeSpheres / Gambit
zlib License
5 stars 2 forks source link

Spheres Release ![Gambit Version Supported]( Gambit version-4.7.3-blue.svg)

Installation and Quickstart

If you have Sphere Core installed, then

% sspheres install fusion

Otherwise, please read the quickstart guide.

Android support

  1. Install Android SDK and NDK.

  2. Set up the following environment paths depending on your installation:

export ANDROID_SDK_PATH=your_path_to_the_sdk
export ANDROID_NDK_PATH=your_path_to_the_ndk

iOS support (only on OSX)

No special configuration is needed for SchemeSpheres on iOS, besides Xcode and Apple developer certificates, just as any other iOS app.

Advanced: generating and updating support files for multiplatform projects

Updating Gambit for the host platform

If you get a segmentation fault with Gambit when loading a module that is precompiled, probably it was compiled with a different Gambit version. Remember that you need to rebuild everything:

Generating Android support files

These files are already bundled in Fusion, so this is only necessary for rebuilding in case of Gambit update:

  1. First, you need to set these variables, as described above:
export ANDROID_SDK_PATH=your_path_to_the_sdk
export ANDROID_NDK_PATH=your_path_to_the_ndk
  1. Then run the compilation script:

Generating iOS support files

Just as the Android support files, these files are already bundled in Fusion, so this is only necessary for rebuilding the static lib in case of Gambit update. You only need to run the compilation script (it takes very long):


Updating Android generators

sphere-fusion/tools/build-gambit-android :: compile Gambit static lib for Android
{project_directory}/android/jni-generator/deps/gambit/* :: update with new libgambc.a and gambit*.h
All dependencies (C code generated in other spheres) must be updated as well
{sphere-sdl2}/deps/* :: update SDL2, and the sphere if necessary, then reinstall it
{project_directory}/sakefile.scm :: update SDL2 symlink to {sphere-sdl2}/deps/* in android:setup
{project_directory}/android/jni-generator/deps/SDL :: remove old link and run android:setup
{project_directory}/android/src-generator/* :: update SDL2 Java classes (overwrite)

Updating iOS generators

{project_directory}/ios/gambit/* :: generated libgambc.a and gambit*.h
All dependencies (C code generated in other spheres) must be updated as well
  1. Download and unpack SDL2. Open the SDL project on the Xcode-iOS folder. Once in Xcode, build for both simulator and device (arm7, arm7s).
  2. In Xcode, select "Show in Finder" (right button on Xcode’s generated library files). You need to do this after each compilation, to build a fat library from the ones for specific architectures.
  3. Rename each file (SDLs and SDLd) and copy them into the same folder. Note: you might need a third library if you are supporting both arm7 and arm7s.
  4. Combine them with: lipo libSDL2d.a libSDL2s.a -create -output libSDL2.a
  5. Substitute the generated libSDL2.a within your project or generator in
    {project_directory}/ios/SDL/* :: generated libgambc.a and gambit*.h

If SDL2 template changed drastically, you will need to generate the template from scratch, based on the one bundled with SDL2. You should continue from previous step 4 in that case:

  1. Copy libSDL2.a in the Template project in the Xcode-iOS folder, inside a folder called SDL/lib.
  2. Create a symlink (or copy) the SDL/include dir inside the just created SDL folder. For SchemeSpheres this is better handled automatically in sakefile.scm, within the ios:setup task. The resulting directory should have SDL/include (with the include files) and SDL/lib (with the combined libSDL2.a)
  3. Open the Template project in Xcode-iOS folder, remove the link to the SDL folder, then add the one we've just created. Finally, change the project and scheme names.
  4. Add support for Gambit and SchemeSpheres. This needs further documentation.