alvcaballero / multiuav_gui

GRVC repository including the Graphical User Interface developed for the operation of a team of heterogeneous UAVs.
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

GCS for multiple UAV

This repository porvides an GCS software that allow command and monitoring multiple UAVs for a heterogeneous fleet of unmannned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

This project is part of Multi Project

The documentation of this project is Documentation HERE

Example of the GCS interface

📋 Features

Screenshot in real Mission

⚙️ Installation

  1. To install MultiUAV-GUI need node 18 and npm and docker, I remend use nvm for use npm .

  2. Clone the repository.

git clone
cd multiuav_gui
  1. Install the requirements of server.
cd server
nvm use 18
npm install
  1. Install Docker container and prepare the container
cd docker
docker build -t muavgcs:noetic .
  1. modify the docker/ and change the PROJECT_DIR value and run
cd docker
  1. put repos and in catkin
mkdir build
$cd build
$sudo make -j7 install
cd ..

mkdir catkin_ws && cd carkin_ws
mkdir src && cd src
// git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
git clone
git clone
git clone
// git clone
// git clone
// git clone

cd ..
roslaunch aerialcore_gui connect_uas.launch

🖥️ Usage

The web interface use openStreatMaps and for elevation profile use OpentopoData

  1. Configure the server to modifi and edit .env and devices_init.yaml
cp multiuav_gui/server/.env.example multiuav_gui/server/.env
cp /multiuav_gui/server/config/devices/.devices_init.yaml' /multiuav_gui/server/config/devices/devices_init.yaml'
  1. Run server
cd multiuav_gui/server
npm run server
  1. Run rosbridge in docker
roslaunch aerialcore_gui connect_uas.launch
  1. Open the interfaz in browser http://localhost:4000/

optional use tmuxinator

Interface for control and monitoring of multiple UAV in mision

tmuxinator start -p muav-gui.yml

optional develop web interface

for development of MUAV-GUI can access to http://localhost:3000/

cd multiuav_gui/client
nvm use 18
npm install
npm run start


you can see the documentacion for integration in

additional docs

  1. Dependencias e instalacion de GCS
  2. simulation PX4 Vtool
  3. simulation PX4 Vtool
  4. UAV camera Stream

Future Work



Tag V1.4 (Download images form UAV)

Tag V1.3

Test and Setup for Muav on Proyect Omicron Demo in Plaza de Agua

Tag V1.2

Tag V1.1

References and interesting project to help in develop