alveusgg / data

Shared data repository for projects
9 stars 5 forks source link Shared Data

Shared data repository for projects, installed as a GitHub-based dependency in the website and extension repositories.

Releasing changes

To work with this repository locally, install the dependencies with npm ci.

To test changes locally, update the version in this repository using npm version --no-git-tag-version preminor (use premajor instead if the change is breaking, or prerelease for repeat testing), and install this repository as a file-based dependency:

Alternatively, push the pre-release branch to GitHub and install it as a GitHub-based dependency:

When the change is ready to release, update the version in this repository using npm version --no-git-tag-version minor (use major instead if the change is breaking) and open a pull request.

Once the pull request is merged, update the GitHub-based dependency in the website and extension: