alvieboy / ZXInterfaceZ

ZX Spectrum InterfaceZ
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Support saving screenshots to SD card #68

Open rickard-von-essen opened 3 years ago

rickard-von-essen commented 3 years ago

Support grabbing the screen content, either with the USR menu (omitting the menu) or using a custom key on a USB connected device. Save the screen to a predefined path either on the SD Card or a USB mass storage device.

rickard-von-essen commented 3 years ago

i'm guessing there is no realtime clock so we probably need to keep a counter and use it in the filename. (/sdcard/screenshoot/interfacez-scr-0001.png)

alvieboy commented 3 years ago

This is intimately linked to the quick snapshot feature. My idea for the file naming is to in a first instance (i.e., first activation after a ZX Spectrum reset [not Interface Z reset]) to present a file chooser dialog where you can select the directory and the file name template (which will be "preloaded" if you have since loaded a tape, but you can edit it freely). Then, auto increment counters will be used for the file name (incrementing until there is a free "slot" for the file, so you don't overwrite old snapshots. The template itself can either be hardcoded (selectedname-XXXX.ext) or manually input in the future.