alvinwan / knight-applescript

Collection of convenient Applescripts for easier Dictation
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 1 forks source link
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knight 2x


Knight is a Spotlight-esque application that makes common computer tasks accessible via natural language. To use, just double-tap option.

To install on Mac OSX (10.10+ required, tested on 10.13.2),

  1. Download the Knight application Knight_macosx.dmg.
  2. Double-click on the .dmg file.
  3. Drag Knight to your Applications folder.
  4. Click on the Knight application to run.
  5. Double tap the option key to open Knight at any time.

Knight AppleScript Collection

collection of AppleScripts for missing, key functionality. These applescripts are specifically made for dictation users that would like to avoid hitting keys at all costs.

Note: "New line" exists as "Press return" or "Enter" in default Dictation commands.

If you don't have existing custom Dictation commands, simply replace your existing Dictations file with the .plist found at the root of this repository.

cp knight.plist ~/Library/Preferences/

If you do have existing custom Dictation commands, (for now) you'll need to import the commands one by one. To do so

  1. Open "System Preferences"
  2. Click on "Accessibility"
  3. Scroll down to "Dictation"
  4. Select "Dictation Commands..."
  5. Check "Enable advanced commands" in the bottom left.
  6. Click on the "+" to create a new command.
  7. Type the English trigger.
  8. Select "Any Application"
  9. Select "Run Workflow" > "Other". In your Finder window, locate this repository's .scpt scripts.