alyoshenka / neo

MIT License
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Project Neo


This project is a hub to interface between AWS IoT and local IoT device operations. It is intended to be run on a Raspberry Pi so that messages can be passed between the two. The original motivation for this project was a stock ticker program (linked below) that I wrote a few years ago in the "Robinhood days". I thought it was a really cool project, but it had the shortcoming of being very monolithic and difficult to start/stop. I wanted to be able to schedule when this stock ticker to display, for example turning it on at market open in the mornings. I also wanted to be able to display other information, for example my local ski area's new snow for the day.

Installation and Usage

Long story short, the AWS side of things is complicated to get working. See this Wiki Page for an overview of some of the difficulties. Run python[3] to start the program.

CI - Pylint and Pytest

This project has a continuous integration system built with Pylint and Pytest. From the root project directory, run pytest to run tests and ./ to run the linter (this shell script ensures that only certain directories are linted).

Associated Projects

Demo Videos

Stock Ticker

Bridger Bowl Weather Report

