am0d / rust-web

A sample web server using the rust-http library
MIT License
5 stars 3 forks source link

This is a sample web server built using the rust-http library from Chris Morgan (

It shows a small demo of serving a number of static files, as well as 2 dynamic routes which render views, and returning 404 errors for non-existant files.

There are many things lacking here yet, but I am trying to flesh out the API for the framework as I go along.

To run the server on make run

Currently, the index page ( as well as 2 todo pages ( and{}) are handled, as well as all the static files required for these.

Future plans include writing a compiler for a Razor-like view syntax (this compiler now resides in a separate repository,, which would generate Rust code to be compiled with the rest of the framework. I also still need to hook this up to a database engine, and build in some support for migrations, etc.

Note: I make no claims about this being secure, fast or a recommended way of doing things. I am writing this framework as an exercise for myself, to learn how a web framework is put together. I am also not an expert in Rust, and there are likely plenty of things that could be done much better in here.

License: This work is licensed under the MIT license. See the License file for further details.