amahi / android

Amahi Android App
GNU General Public License v3.0
164 stars 279 forks source link

Amahi Amahi Android App

Get it on Google Play

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This repository contains the source code for the Amahi Android app.

You will need JDK 1.8+ installed to work with it. Gradle, Android SDK, and project dependencies will be downloaded automatically.

Building the app

  1. Set API information.

    $ vim
    url.amahi = URL
    url.proxy = URL = ID
    client.secret = SECRET = APP_ID

This is something to keep private and you obtain it by sending a message to

  1. Build the application using a command line or using GUI.

    $ ./gradlew clean assembleDebug
  2. Once you have built the application, you will be needing credentials to use the application. Go to Amahi website and create your account, once the account is activated, you will see the description on how to set up the Amahi server. However, this is not strictly needed, as we have a set up of a demo server called "Welcome to Amahi" which you should see even without your own server installed.

Code Style Convention

Generating the documentation

  1. Install Android documentation.

    $ android update sdk --no-ui --force --all --filter doc-21
  2. Generate the documentation.

    $ ./gradlew clean assembleDebug generateDebugJavadoc
