amakropoulos / structural-pipeline-measures

Measurements/Reporting for the dHCP Structural Pipeline
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Measurements/Reporting for the dHCP Structural Pipeline

This is an additional package that computes measurements and creates reports for the dHCP Structural Pipeline.

The measurements include:


Antonios Makropoulos: more


The measurements/reporting dHCP structural pipeline are distributed under the terms outlined in LICENSE.txt


The measurements scripts do not require installation.

The reporting (optional) can be installed as follows:


In order to run this pipeline, the dHCP structural pipeline commands/tools need to be included in the shell PATH by running:

The pipeline can be run with the following command:


Argument Type Description
derivatives_dir string The derivatives directory created from the structural pipeline
dataset_csv CSV file This is a comma-delimited file (CSV) with the sessions to be included in the measurements/reporting.
It includes one line for each subject session: [subjectID], [sessionID], [age] e.g.
subject-1, session-1, 32
subject-1, session-2, 44
subject-N, session-1, 36
num_threads integer Number of threads (CPU cores) used (default: 1) (Optional)

If specified (--reporting), the pipeline will also generate PDF reports for the subjects.


The output of the pipeline is the following files:

Output Description
[derivatives_dir]/anat_group_measurements.csv CSV file that contains all the measurements for the sessions included
[derivatives_dir]/anat_group.pdf PDF that specifies the sessions included (if --reporting is specified)
[derivatives_dir]/anat_group_qc.pdf PDF report for all the sessions (if --reporting is specified)
[derivatives_dir]/sub-*/ses-*/anat/sub-*_ses-*_qc.pdf PDF report for each session (if --reporting is specified)