amamolo9986 / The-Porsche-Project

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Solidify classes and tables #15

Open amamolo9986 opened 1 month ago

amamolo9986 commented 1 month ago

Create all entities/tables and their fields along with defining the relationships.

amamolo9986 commented 2 weeks ago

tables created, will commit to save and continue working on relationships. i realized that the only thing that we will need to have CRUD ops on is the forumPost table and a delete & update on the user, but we will add those later. So this means that the only relationships we will need to create now is a one to many between the forumPosts and the Classic, Series, Racing, and Concept objects, along with a one to many between user and forumPost

amamolo9986 commented 2 weeks ago

One User <-> Many Posts, we cant have one post belonging to many users. However, I discovered an issue.

Complication arises when we try to create relations between the ForumPosts and the different car objects: Classic, Series, Racing, Concepts. As of now we have 4 CSV's, but we could have the same car in 2 of these. For example lets say a User posts on a 964, but its the 964 in Classic and not in Series. The Post wont be recognized between both objects. So we may need ONE master CSV containing all of the models, but divide them 4 different ways.

amamolo9986 commented 2 weeks ago

On second thought, i could make the forum and the info/history two separate sections. I was initially thinking that at the bottom of each model page there could be a discussion/forum, but maybe I could still create a master CSV for the forum itself and its in a totally separate area.

Classic <-> List Classic Models Series <-> List Series Models Racing <-> List Racing Models Concepts <-> List Concept Models Master <-> List All Models

Then relationship would be: One Forum Post <-> Many Models utilizes List All Models

amamolo9986 commented 2 weeks ago

We should also remember that if we take this approach, we will not be able to link the Master in the Forum to the Info. So we wont be able to click into a model through the Forum, we would need to go back and dig for it. So it may not be the most user friendly.

amamolo9986 commented 2 weeks ago

Could i possibly only use the master then add a column for keywords containing Classic, Series, Racing, and Concepts, and filter by keyword and add to the individual Objects? That way the forum can still exist separately, but if a user wants to click into the vehicle itself they can access it through the forum. AND the forum can be linked in the model specific endpoints. This may be a more efficient option.

amamolo9986 commented 2 days ago

Slight update, i may remove the classic category and just have "Series" "Racing" and "Concepts"