amamolo9986 / The-Porsche-Project

MIT License
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A starter kit for a Spring Security full stack app using Spring Boot v3

Current workflow

/register endpoint To create a new regular user, go through the registration form. After a successful registration submission, the app should redirect to the log in page.

/signin endpoint Login form by using the credentials provided during registration. If successful login, there should be 3 tokens created and stored as cookies in the browser (accessToken, refreshToken, JSESSIONID).

JSESSIONID is for session management and automatically created by Tomcat Servlet.

/success endpoint After successful login, the app should redirect the user to this endpoint with a logout button.

The logout button should clear the user's browser of all 3 cookies after successful logout.

/products endpoint The products endpoint is only accessible after authentication. If an user tries to access this endpoint without prior authentication, the app should redirect the user to the log in page.

/admin/users endpoint Similarly to the products endpoint, the users endpoint if only accessible for ADMIN role users. If an user without an ADMIN role tries to access this endpoint, the app should redirect to the error page.

To change users, please visit the success endpoint.

/admin/dashboard endpoint The dashboard should list all users and provide an Elevate to Admin button on the same row. There should be a logout button on the table. After elevating a new user to ADMIN role, the user should be able to access the users endpoint.