amanjain325 / angular-d3-charts

Integrate your Angular 2, Angular 4 app with d3 charts e.g. Doughnut, Pie, Single Bar chart, Multiple bar chart and Stacked bar chart
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Integrate Angular 2+ app with interactive d3 charts e.g. Doughnut, Pie, Single Bar chart, Multiple bar chart and Stacked bar chart.

Beautiful charts for Angular2+ based on d3.js

Last updated- 20th September 2017

1. Labels showing on donut chart and pie chart.

2. Bar charts x axis labels position bug resolved.



Getting Started

npm install angular-d3-charts --save

Notice: The latest version on NPM may not reflect the branch master. Open an issue and tag me if you need it to be published.

Doughnut Chart Example Pie Chart Example Single Bar Chart Example Multi Bar Chart Example Stacked Bar Chart Example


Add d3 script to your index.html

<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Add these styles to your main stylesheet. For Bar Charts Only

   .tick text {
        font-size: 12px;

    .axis path,
    .axis line {
        fill: none;
        stroke: #4C5554;
        stroke-width: 1;

    .x.axis .tick line {
        display: none

    .domain {
        display: block !important;
        stroke: #4C5554 !important;
        stroke-width: 2 !important;
    .legend {
        font-size: 12px;
        font-family: sans-serif;
        rect {
            stroke-width: 2;

Ensure you import the module:

import { DoughnutChartComponent, PieChartComponent, BarChartComponent } from 'angular-d3-charts'; // this is needed!

   declarations: [ 
   ] // along with your other modules
export class AppModule {}


Doughnut Chart:

<angular-d3-donut [id]="donutChartId" [data]="donutChartData"></angular-d3-donut>   
public donutChartData = [{
      id: 0, // number
      label: 'label name',  // string
      value: value,  // number
      color: 'color of slice',  // string,
      iconImage: 'path of image' // string
      id: 1, // number
      label: 'label name',  // string
      value: value,  // number
      color: 'color of slice',  // string,
      iconImage: 'path of image' // string
   }, ...


<angular-d3-donut [id]="donutChartId" [data]="donutChartData"></angular-d3-donut>
public donutChartData = [{
    id: 0,
    label: 'water',
    value: 20,
    color: 'red',
  }, {
    id: 1,
    label: 'land',
    value: 20,
    color: 'blue',
  }, {
    id: 2,
    label: 'sand',
    value: 30,
    color: 'green',
  }, {
    id: 3,
    label: 'grass',
    value: 20,
    color: 'yellow',
  }, {
    id: 4,
    label: 'earth',
    value: 10,
    color: 'pink',


Attributes of angular-d3-donut are

It can contain the following properties.


Option Default Type Description
id donutChart String Unique Id of the donut chart.
width 700 Number Width of the donut chart.
height 400 Number Height of the donut chart.
outerRadius 150 Number Outer radius of the donut chart. (Recommended to not to larger than 150)
innerRadius 70 Number Inner radius of the donut chart.
data Not set Object As above mentioned
centerImage Not set String Path of center image in donut.
spreadSlice False Boolean If you want to spread out the slide.
iconWidth 40 Number Width of the icon images on slices.
iconHeight 40 Number Height of the icon images on slices.
middleText Not Set String Text in the middle of the inner circle
middleTextColor Black String Color of the middle text
middleTextFontSize 1em String Size of the middle text


Option Description
centerImageEvent When center image is clicked, the centerImageEvent function triggers.
<angular-d3-donut [spreadSlice]=true [centerImage]='centerImage' [data]="donutChartData" (centerImageEvent)="centerImageEvent()"></angular-d3-donut>
<angular-d3-donut [outerRadius]=100 [innerRadius]=80 [spreadSlice]=true [data]="piedata" (centerImageEvent)="centerImageEvent()"></angular-d3-donut>
<angular-d3-donut [width]=800 [outerRadius]=90 [middleText]="'test'" [middleTextFontSize]="'2em'" [middleTextColor]="'red'" [innerRadius]=80 [spreadSlice]=false [data]="piedata" [iconWidth]=20 [iconHeight]=20 (centerImageEvent)="centerImageEvent()"></angular-d3-donut>

For text in middle of Donut chart:

<angular-d3-donut [outerRadius]=100 [middleText]="'test'" [middleTextFontSize]="'2em'" [middleTextColor]="'red'" [innerRadius]=80 [spreadSlice]=false [data]="piedata" [iconWidth]=20 [iconHeight]=20 (centerImageEvent)="centerImageEvent()"></angular-d3-donut>
In your.component.ts file write
public centerImageEvent() {
 // Perform action here

Pie Chart:

<angular-d3-pie [id]="pieChartId" [data]="pieChartData"></angular-d3-pie>   
public pieChartData = [{
      id: 0, // number
      label: 'label name',  // string
      value: value,  // number
      color: 'color of slice',  // string,
      id: 1, // number
      label: 'label name',  // string
      value: value,  // number
      color: 'color of slice',  // string,
   }, ... ]


<angular-d3-pie [id]="pieChartId" [data]="pieChartData"></angular-d3-pie>
public pieChartData = [{
    id: 0,
    label: 'slice 1',
    value: 50,
    color: 'blue',
  }, {
    id: 1,
    label: 'slice 2',
    value: 20,
    color: 'black',
  }, {
    id: 2,
    label: 'slice 3',
    value: 30,
    color: 'red',


Attributes of angular-d3-pie are

It can contain the following properties.


Option Default Type Description
id pieChart String Unique Id of the pie chart.
width 700 Number Width of the pie chart.
height 400 Number Height of the pie chart.
outerRadius 150 Number Outer radius of the pie chart. (Recommended to not to larger than 150)
data Not set Object As above mentioned
spreadSlice False Boolean If you want to spread out the slide.
<angular-d3-pie [spreadSlice]=true [data]="pieChartData" [outerRadius]=90></angular-d3-pie>

Bar Chart:

<angular-d3-bar [id]="barChartId" [data]="barChartData"></angular-d3-bar>   
public barChartData = [{
      id: 0, // number
      label: 'label name',  // string
      value1: value,  // number
      value2: value,  // number
      value3: value,  // number
      ... ,
      valuen: value // number
      id: 1, // number
      label: 'label name',  // string
      value1: value,  // number
      value2: value,  // number
      value3: value,  // number
      ... ,
      valuen: value // number
   }, ... ]


Attributes of angular-d3-bar are

It can contain the following properties.


Option Default Type Description
id barChart String Unique Id of the bar chart.
width 700 Number Width of the bar chart.
height 400 Number Height of the bar chart.
transitionDuration 1000 Number The duration of the bar's transition (bar comes from x- axis).
transitionDelay 100 Number The delay of the bar's transition.
barWidth '11px' String Width of the bars.
yAxisd3Format '.1S' String d3Format of Y axis, Refer to the d3 documentation.
data Not set Object As above mentioned
colors Not set Array Color of the bars.
dataGroup 1 Number Number of data. (dataGroup > 1 for stacked bar chart.)
yAxisTicks 10 Number Ticks on Y axis.
alphaDistance 0.6 Number Distance between 2 bars, when chart is multi bar chart.
dataColumns [1] Array Length of array = Number of columns ,Value on index = number of stacked bars on particular column.

Single Bar Chart

dataColumns = [1];

<angular-d3-bar [id]="test2" [data]="barChartData" [dataColumns]="dataColumns" [colors]="colors" [yAxisTicks]=10 [width]=400 [height]=200 [transitionDuration]=1000 [transitionDelay]=30

Stacked Bar Chart

dataColumns = [3];

<angular-d3-bar [id]="test1" [alphaDistance]="0.3" [data]="barChartData" [dataColumns]="dataColumns1" [colors]="colors" [yAxisTicks]=10 [width]=400 [height]=200 [transitionDuration]=1000 [transitionDelay]=30

Multi Bar Chart

dataColumns = [3, 2];

<angular-d3-bar [id]="test1" [alphaDistance]="0.3" [data]="barChartData" [dataColumns]="dataColumns1" [colors]="colors" [yAxisTicks]=10 [width]=400 [height]=200 [transitionDuration]=1000 [transitionDelay]=30
colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green']


public colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
public  dataColumns = [1]; // Single Bar Chart
// public  dataColumns = [3]; // Stacked Bar Chart
// public  dataColumns = [2, 1]; // Multi Stacked Bar Chart
public  barChartData = [{
    id: 0,
    label: 'label1',
    value1: 10,
    value2: 10,
    value3: 10,
    id: 1,
    label: 'label2',
    value1: 10,
    value2: 10,
    value3: 10,

 <angular-d3-bar [id]="test2" [data]="barChartData" [dataColumns]="dataColumns" [colors]="colors" [yAxisTicks]=10 [width]=400
    [height]=200 [transitionDuration]=1000 [transitionDelay]=30 [barWidth]="'16px'"></angular-d3-bar>
