amanjeetsingh150 / stressapp

Sample app to test stressapptest on android
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Sample app to test stressapptest on android for creating memory pressure on device.

Running stressapptest

  1. Build static library for stressapptest according to your architecture. Repository already has binaries pre-built for x86 architecture, here.
  2. Use the following set of commands to push the static library in your data file system, make it executable and run a stress test for 20 seconds of 990 MBs
    adb push stressapptest /data/local/tmp/
    adb shell chmod 777  /data/local/tmp/stressapptest
    adb shell /data/local/tmp/stressapptest -s 20 -M 990 -C 8

    -s for total time you want to run memory stress, -M for megabytes of ram to test, -C for total threads to be used for stressing memory, defaults to number of CPUs. Details of other options are here in documentation.

Effect on device during stress-test