amanjiofficial / tenjint-flask

Flask Web API for Tenjint Project
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Tenjint Flask API

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Flask Web API for Tenjint Project

Tenjint is a Python 3 based platform for virtual machine introspection (VMI) on x86 and ARM. It allows developers to write third-party plugins.

To know more about Tenjint visit

The Tenjint Flask API project provides a web API where the user can submit Malware samples to analyze inside VM in tenjint space and query for output of the tenjint run. The web API allows to scale up Malware Analysis Infrastructure. Set up the Tenjint Flask Project on a server and several users can submit the sample files and retrieve the output.



Documentation Status

For openAPI based Specification and Design Architecture visit docs





Clone this repository.

git clone

Create a virtualenv and activate.

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

Install requirement packages.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install Tenjint and Rekall from Tenjint Repository within virtualenv.

Ensure modified QEMU/KVM is installed from tenjint-qemu

Ensure modified linux kernel is installed from tenjint-linux

Start the Flask application on your terminal window.


Application is started at http://localhost:5000/


Creating Virtual Machines.

Backing File


Configuration Parameters

The following tables lists the parameters that can be configured and their default values. Configuration is available in configuration file

Parameter Description Default
api_host Host URL for Flask server
api_port Host Port for Flask server 5000
api_debug_mode Boolean to set debug mode for Flask server True
api_admin_token Token for Admin account authentication foo
api_database Mongo DB Database URL mongodb://
api_database_name MongoDB database name to be used tenjint
max_vm_count Maximum number of VMs that can be run at a particular time 1
max_tenjint_run_time Maximum allowed duration to run Malware sample in Tenjint 3600000
min_tenjint_run_time Minimum allowed duration to run Malware sample in Tenjint 100000
emulator_path Path of QEMU Emulator for Tenjint /home/dell/Documents/opensource/tenjint/qemu/x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64
tenjint_config_path Tenjint Configuration Path /home/dell/Downloads/tenjint_config.yml
VM_folder_name Folder path to store VMs for Tenjint /home/dell/Documents/opensource/tenjint/VM_Folder/
plugin_dir Folder path for Tenjint plugins. It contains necessary plugins to run this Flask Server. /home/dell/Documents/opensource/tenjint/tenjint-flask/plugins/
samples_store Folder path to store Malware samples. /home/dell/Documents/opensource/tenjint/tenjint-flask/shared_samples
VM List of available VMs. Each VM constitutes disk-snap: disk snapshot qcow2 path, snapshot: memory snapshot and disk-snap-name: disk snapshot name


when creating a new user, a token is provided as a response of the query. This token is to be used by users to authenticate for submitting Malware Samples.

Submit Malware Sample

API request example

curl -X POST \
  '' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
  -F sample=@comment-15.txt

Visit openAPI specification to know more about each parameter.


Upcoming Features


Aman Ahuja -

This project started as a part of Google Summer Of Code 2020 under the mentors Jonas Pfoh and Sebastian Vogl. To know more visit Project Description