amargherio / aks-egress-checker

A container image used to validate required egress connectivity in AKS!
MIT License
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AKS network egress checker

What it does

This application loads in a set of required egress definitions for AKS and tests egress connectivity to them from within your cluster!

Egress connectivity is a common support topic for AKS - especially when the network path has route tables, default routes, network security groups, and firewalls or NVAs in play. It's easy to have an oversight where rules are changed in one place but the team responsible for managing AKS clusters isn't aware of the change.

By setting up the YAML with the correct parameters and a list of egress groups to test for, you can continually validate that your cluster is in compliance with the required egress for a given configuration.

Building from source

I provide some pre-built container images that can be used for deployments. If you'd rather build the image with less dependencies or a different base (Ubuntu Jammy is where it's at here), you can clone this repo, change the images used in the Dockerfile (including the Rust builder image if you're adventurous) and build new images to push as you please!

The current supported architecture for the Rust binary is linux_amd64 but building multi-arch binaries is on the roadmap at some point (along with the correct container images for non-x86_64 architectures).

Egress support

Egress Group Network/Application? Required or optional? Check status All egress checked?
Azure Global Network Required Enabled Partial
Azure Global Application Required Enabled Partial
Azure Global Application Optional Enabled Full coverage
Azure China 21Vianet Network Optional Disabled Partial
Azure China 21Vianet Application Optional Disabled Partial
Azure US Government Network Optional Enabled Partial
Azure US Government Application Optional Enabled Partial
AKS Node OS updates Application Optional Enabled Partial
GPU-enabled clusters Application Optional Enabled Full coverage
Windows Server Application Optional Enabled Partial
Microsoft Defender Application Optional Enabled Partial
Azure Monitor Network Optional Enabled Partial
Azure Monitor Application Optional Enabled Partial
Azure Policy Application Optional Enabled Partial
Azure Policy 21Vianet Application Optional Enabled Partial
Azure Policy US Gov Application Optional Enabled Partial
AKS Cluster Extensions Application Optional Enabled Partial
AKS Cluster Extensions US Gov Application Optional Enabled Partial

Interested in contributing?

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