amartel / redmine_webdav

WebDav plugin for redmine
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Cannot login unless using Forklift #25

Open lspg opened 11 years ago

lspg commented 11 years ago


i just noticed that i cannot login if i'm using anything else than Forklift to connect. (Redmine 2.3.1)

I can see in the log :

Started PROPFIND "/webdav/testproject/documents" for at 2013-06-21 15:08:44 +0200
Processing by WebdavController#webdav as XML
  Parameters: {"propfind"=>{"xmlns:D"=>"DAV:", "prop"=>{"resourcetype"=>nil, "getlastmodified"=>nil, "getcontentlength"=>nil}}, "path_info"=>"c-hache/documents"}
Redirected to
Filter chain halted as :session_expiration rendered or redirected
Completed 302 Found in 2ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
Started PROPFIND "/login" for at 2013-06-21 15:08:44 +0200
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [PROPFIND] "/login"):

Has anyone else the same problem ?

lspg commented 11 years ago

Back for more info. It seems i can connect with some software (cloud connect pro ios, forklift), and cannot with others (OSX native webdav, Transmit...) I'm not sure yet, but it might be related to the fact my Redmine instance is running at root ( and not from subdir (

amartel commented 11 years ago


Not sure because it seems to be more related to the webdav client... Is it possible for you to compare the logs when you are using forklift vs OSX ???