amartel / redmine_webdav

WebDav plugin for redmine
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h1. Introduction

This WebDav plugin allows to access files and documents using WebDav protocol. This plugin is a fork of this existing railsdav plugin (railsdav) with some modifications to make it run with REDMINE.

Current version was done using REDMINE 2.3-stable with ruby 1.9.3 and REDMINE release >= 2.3.0 is required. For older versions, you can still use readmine_1.2 and redmine_2.2 branches)

For repositories, only filesystem and local subversion repositories are supported.

About subversion support: To commit changes in Subversion, the plugin opens the repository with the file protocol. For this reason, you need the following:

h1. Setup

WEBDAV is using basic HTTP authentication which is not supported in REDMINE core. A workaround is to use this very nice plugin redmine_http_auth in conjunction with Apache and (located in redmine_webdav/extra/svn). As you may have trouble with it, a "light" version is provided (redmine_http_auth.tgz in redmine_webdav/extra).

All this documentation is based on my own server configuration. Especially, my REDMINE instance is installed in a /redmine sub-uri (see for more details). If this doesn't apply to your server, you will have to change the following instructions to reflect your own configuration (for example, replace /redmine/webdav with /webdav only, if you don't use a sub-uri...)

h3. 1. Install plugin into vendor/plugins

Follow instructions from :

Download and install the "light" version of redmine_http_auth with the following command from your $REDMINE_HOME/plugins directory:

h3. 3. Configure your web server

Assuming you are using RHEL5/CentOS5:

@<Location /redmine/webdav>@ AuthType Basic AuthName REDMINE Require valid-user PerlAccessHandler Apache::Authn::RedmineAdvanced::access_handler PerlAuthenHandler Apache::Authn::RedmineAdvanced::authen_handler RedmineDSN "DBI:mysql:database=redmine;host=;port=3306" RedmineDbUser "redmine" RedmineDbPass "password" RedmineAuthenticationOnly "On" Order allow,deny Allow from Satisfy Any @@

h3. 4. Restart your web server

/etc/init.d/httpd restart

h3. 5. Configure REDMINE with your web browser

If everything is OK, you should see both plugins (WebDav and HTTP authentication) in the plugin list (Administration -> Plugins)

h3. 6. Set up your project

Don't forget to activate the webdav module in the projects where you want to access files over WevDav. You will also have to go in the WebDAV tab of your project's settings to define what you want to publish over WebDAV (files, documents and/or main repository) and how.

h3. 7. Use webdav to manage files and documents

You have to use a WebDav client in order to use the plugin.

Below, you will find instructions for the most used operating systems where webdav support is integrated. However, I strongly recommend you to use a dedicated webdav client. The best ones (from my point of view) are:

If you don't want to use a dedicated webdav client, you can follow these instructions:

For MacOSX (webdav access is natively supported):

For linux/Ubuntu:

For WindowsXP:

For Windows 7:

h1. Original author's README:

Railsdav (WebDAV for Ruby On Rails)

THIS IS A MODIFIED VERSION OF THE ORIGINAL Railsdav, created by Marcello Nuccio. I have done it because I was not able to make to use the original one.

READ COMMENTS IN lib/acts_as_webdav.rb TO START!

Railsdav is a plugin which allows for custom WebDAV controllers to be added to a Ruby On Rails application to expose functionality as filesystems to WebDAV clients such as Mac OS X Finder, Windows Network Places, Dreamweaver etc.

Railsdav requires the following gems in addition to rails

Railsdav was created by Stuart Eccles ( I'd like to thank the following people for assisting with Railsdav