amaster507 / ifbmt

Independent Fundamental Baptist Missionary Trails
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Welcome to ifbmt!

Independant Fundamental Baptist Missionary Trails

Launching tentatively in January 2018.

ifbmt stands for Independent Fundamental Baptist Missionary Trails. This project was envisioned by my friends while on deputation throughout the states.

Purpose | Benefits | Use Cases | Pricing | How to Help | Support and Development | MockUps


To help like faith missionaries with an easy and centralized way to manage their deputation trail. This is based on the Biblical principle of stewardship which can be found in John 16:1-13. Jesus commended the unjust steward because he had done wisely. Keeping accurate records that can be passed down to our children's children (Pro. 13:22) will honour the Lord. Being faithful is more than just being at the right place at the right time. Faithfulness is also having the knowledge and using that knowledge is wisdom. Decisions of missionaries should be based upon the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the facts that God has given us. The first fact is the King James Bible. God has already told us how to build our ministries and how to have the right kind of relationship with Him. Management decisions should be based upon knowledge. We are told in Psalms 78 that we should know the history of great things God has done, so that we will not forget about the works of God and keep his commandments. In Proverbs 15:28 we are told that the heart of the righteous studieth to answer and then in Colossians 4:6 we are told that our speech should always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that we may know how to answer every man. By using this application, missionaries will have knowledge with which to make accurate decisions, accurate records to testify to the glory of God, and wisdom to give quick and honest answers to every man.




As missionaries starting out on deputation may not even have enough money for fuel, some may not be able to afford a large upfront cost, however, there are some that have more financial freedom and start off with a larger financial backing to start deputation so the ends of the spectrum vary greatly. There is a need for a simple low start up cost and a need for those who want to pay a one-time lifetime license.

Trial Monthly Quarterly Bi-annual Annual Lifetime
60 Day Access 1 Month Access 3 Months Access 6 Months Access 12 Month Access Lifetime Access
8% Savings 13% Savings 25% Savings Less than annual cost of monthly plan
$7.00 $12/mo. $33/quart. $62/bi-ann. $107/yr. $137

For more information please reference issue #23


This project will require a colaboration of assistence to develop. I have promised to dedicate my time to develope the actual code, but what I am in most need of is input from seasoned veteran missionaries and evangelist for the best practices of how something like this app should actually work. What is your workflow when booking meetings, what information do you save and access, what information is helpful when looking for a church to book a meeting at, and many other questions still need to be answered. By helping in the development of this application, it will be tailor made to how you can best use it. This app is FOR YOU as the missionary. I have been told numerous times already, that, 'I can't help because I don't know how to code/program'. But that is not the help that I am in most need of. We are in need of your input in the development brainstorming process. Please join the community and browse the current issues and start a new issue for your ideas and processes.


This project is being developed by Bible believing Fundamental Baptist Church members with current full-time jobs and who are also actively involved in the weekly ministries of their local church. Please be respectful and helpful with input. Development and support will be given as soon as possible.

If you or someone you know would be interested in joining this project then please invite them to join the project in the development stages to help integrate their ideas.


Dashboard: In this mock-up, you will find quick and visual information as the overall progress of your missionary trail. Please visit ISSUE: Dashboard Widgets/Items and give your input as to what items should be displayed on the dashboard.

Screen shots coming soon.

Church Listings: In this mock-up, you will see the Quick Cal on the left side panel. And on the right side panel, you will find the church listings.

MockUp Quick Cal and Church Listings

Listings Searching and Filtering: In the far right menu panel slide out, you will find the options for searching and filtering the list of churches. You can search by church name, pastor name, phone number, website, and email address. You can use the filter options to filter by state, zip code, tags, and ministries. You can also use the advanced filtering to filter within a specified mileage range around a zip code, city and state, or your current location (if your device supports location).

Screen shots coming soon.

Quick Cal & Church Info: This mock-up shows a horizontal tablet/desktop view. On the left side, you will find your booking calendar with three separate ways to view the details map, agenda, or routes. And on the right-hand side, you will find the church information.

MockUp Quick Cal and Church View

Adding Notes to churches: This mock-up shows the form slide out for adding a note. Notice the options include the public switch, date, time, priority, expiration, and note content. There are buttons on the bottom to save or cancel the note. The image was updated and may be cached incorrectly showing the top tab selected incorrectly as booking. Sorry.

MockUp Quick Cal, Church View, Adding Note

Booking A Church: This mock-up shows the form slide out for booking a meeting. Notice the options include the start date and time, the end date and time, send confirmation switch and meeting notes. There are buttons on the bottom to save or cancel the booking.

MockUp Quick Cal, Church View, Booking Meeting