mvn clean install
cd dist/target/banana-dist-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-bin/bin
sh ./ or run-banana.bat
go to http://localhost:9000/
cd backend
mvn spring-boot:run
in another console
cd frontend/src/main/frontend
npm start
go to http://localhost:4200/
ctrl+maj+f for activate fullscreen mode
mvn -Dusername=your_scm_username release:prepare release:perform -Darguments="-Dmaven.deploy.skip=true"
docker build -t amauryleclerc/banana .
docker run -p 9000:9000 amauryleclerc/banana
docker stop
Jenkins 2 runs the build.pipeline script after each commit (delayed to 5 minutes) : if the build is successfull, the artifact is deployed to FTP (credentials needed)
If the file seems missing, you should configure your IDE to include target/generated-sources to the list of source directories
Use the encrypt/decrypt API to create a secure token of you Jira password.
The API will return a token like this one:
To check that your password has been encoded properly (using url encode), you can uncrypt it with the following call:
The string returned is your password as clear text (be careful !)
Once you have produced the secure token, you need to update the config file with this token.
Finally, restart Banana, and click on Jira menu. You should see the list of your backlogs, sprint and so on.
You can import a sprint by pushing the "orange" button on the right of the row.