amaybaum-prod / atom-hopper

ATOM Hopper - The Java ATOMpub Server
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ATOM Hopper - A Java ATOMPub Server

Atom Hopper is a framework for accessing, processing, aggregating and indexing Atom formatted events. Atom Hopper was designed to make it easy to build both generalized and specialized persistence mechanisms for Atom XML data, based on the Atom Syndication Format and the Atom Publishing Protocol.


Atom Hopper works well with Repose especially if you need:

Notes Regarding Data Adapter

The current status of the Atom Hopper Data Adapters is as follows:

To find out how to install and run Atom Hopper please see the Atom Hopper Wiki

Notes Regarding licensing

All files contained with this distribution of Atom Hopper are licenced under the Apache License v2.0. You must agree to the terms of this license and abide by them before viewing, utilizing or distributing the source code contained within this distribution.