amazon-archives / aws-robomaker-sample-application-persondetection

Use AWS RoboMaker and demonstrate the use of Amazon Rekognition to recognize people's faces and Amazon Polly to synthesize speech.
MIT No Attribution
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launch file changes with respect to roboMakerSettings.json #58

Closed swatifulzele closed 4 years ago

swatifulzele commented 4 years ago

Description of changes:

  1. roboMakerSettings.json
    1. robot_ws/src/person_detection_robot/config/h264_encoder_config.yaml
    2. robot_ws/src/person_detection_robot/launch/
    3. simulation_ws/src/person_detection_simulation/launch/ Note: These changes are with respect to the execution of simulation_ws along with robot_ws on robomaker for Recognition with kinesis video stream.

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mm318 commented 4 years ago

The robot now moves in simulation when using both the robot application (robot_ws) and simulation application (simluation_ws) in RoboMaker. Thank you for the fix.