This application demonstrates the use of Amazon Rekognition to recognize people's faces and Amazon Polly to synthesize speech.
RoboMaker sample applications include third-party software licensed under open-source licenses and is provided for demonstration purposes only. Incorporation or use of RoboMaker sample applications in connection with your production workloads or a commercial products or devices may affect your legal rights or obligations under the applicable open-source licenses. Source code information can be found here.
This sample application uses Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Rekognition to recognize faces. See here for details. The easiest method is to reuse the resources create by the AWS RoboMaker sample application. To do that follow these steps:
environmental variable to the LaunchId value from CloudFormation.
In AWS RoboMaker the environmental variable can be set as an option when running a simulation job.
In a Linux environment this can be accomplisehd with export LAUNCH_ID=<value>
to connect to the correct Kinesis data stream and Kinesis video stream.When setting up resources using the above method new faces can be added to Rekognition with the following steps:
aws s3 cp path/to/image s3://<physical_id>/photos/persons_name.png
If you'd like more detailed control over the resources follow the instructions here: Make sure that the names of the Kinesis video stream and data stream match those in src/person_detection_robot/launch/kinesis.launch.
To publish to Amazon CloudWatch Metrics and Logs the IAM user configured in the environment in which the node is running will need the following permissions:
For more information about the CloudWatch Metrics node see here:
For more information about the CloudWatch Logs node see here:
To use the Kinesis node you will need an IAM user with the following permissions:
For more information on the Amazon Kinesis node see here:
To use the Polly node you will need an IAM user with the following permissions:
For more information on the Amazon Polly node see here
Information about attaching permissions to an IAM user can be found here:
Information about configuring AWS credentials can be found here:
Follow links above for instructions on installing required software.
sudo apt-get update
rosdep update
cd robot_ws
rosws update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build
cd simulation_ws
rosws update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build
Launch the application with the following commands:
Running Robot Application on a Robot
Once the bundle has been created, it can be deployed using RoboMaker. For information about deploying using RoboMaker, see this documentation. You can follow those instructions to cross-compile the sample application for the ARMHF architecture supported by the Raspberry PI, using a RoboMaker Development environment.
You must also complete the Raspberry Pi camera setup for the TurtleBot WafflePi, outlined here.
You must run the following command before running the Robot Application on the robot.
sudo chmod 777 /dev/video0
You may also upload and run the bundle manually. Once the bundle has been manually uploaded to the target TurtleBot WafflePi, ssh into the TurtleBot and run
tar xvf robot_ws_armhf_bundle.tar
mkdir dependencies && tar xvzf dependencies.tar.gz -C dependencies
mkdir workspace && tar xvzf workspace.tar.gz -C workspace
BUNDLE_CURRENT_PREFIX=$(pwd)/dependencies source $(pwd)/dependencies/
BUNDLE_CURRENT_PREFIX=$(pwd)/workspace source $(pwd)/workspace/
roslaunch person_detection_robot deploy_person_detection.launch
See the colcon-bundle documentation for more details.
Finally, note the width
and height
parameters for the node raspicam_node
on deploy_person_detection.launch
might require
some adjustment depending on the resolution of the specific robot camera.
Running Robot Application Elsewhere
source robot_ws/install/
roslaunch person_detection_robot person_detection.launch
Running Simulation Application
source simulation_ws/install/
TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi roslaunch person_detection_simulation [command]
There are two simulation launch commands:
- A world with a kitchen, bedroom and living areas. The Turtlebot3 spawned is stationary waiting commands.small_house_turtlebot_navigation.launch
- A small house with TB3 autonomously navigating to goal points on a route.You first need to install colcon-ros-bundle. Python 3.5 or above is required.
pip3 install colcon-ros-bundle
After colcon-ros-bundle is installed you need to build your robot or simulation, then you can bundle with:
# Bundling Robot Application
cd robot_ws
source install/
colcon bundle
# Bundling Simulation Application
cd simulation_ws
source install/
colcon bundle
This produces the artifacts robot_ws/bundle/output.tar
and simulation_ws/bundle/output.tar
You'll need to upload these to an s3 bucket, then you can use these files to create a robot application, create a simulation application, and create a simulation job in RoboMaker.
MIT-0 - See LICENSE for further information
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