amazon-science / cceval

CrossCodeEval: A Diverse and Multilingual Benchmark for Cross-File Code Completion (NeurIPS 2023)
Apache License 2.0
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CrossCodeEval: A Diverse and Multilingual Benchmark for Cross-File Code Completion

This repository contains the data and inference code of the NeurIPS 2023 (Datasets and Benchmarks track) paper "CrossCodeEval: A Diverse and Multilingual Benchmark for Cross-File Code Completion."


Evaluation on CrossCodeEval

Our evaluation consists of two steps: generation and metrics calculation.


Open-sourced Models

For open-sourced models like StarCoder, DeepSeek-Coder, etc., we recommended using vLLM for fast and distributed inference on CrossCodeEval.

export gpus=2
export model=bigcode/starcoder2-3b
export language=python
export task=line_completion_rg1_unixcoder_cosine_sim
export output_dir=./tmp/crosscodeeval_testrun/
python scripts/ \
  --tp $gpus \
  --task $task \
  --language $language \
  --model $model \
  --output_dir $output_dir \

For additional args, e.g., cross-file context length and sampling top_p, please see python --help.

If you prefer non-vLLM script :: click to expand ::
First, configure `accelerate` via `accelerate config` if you haven't. A reference configuration is available at `cceval_config.yaml` The following command demonstrates how to run greedy eval using codegen-350M on python with cross-file context. ```bash export model_type=codelm_cfc # or codelm for no cross-file context eval export model_name=Salesforce/codegen-350M-mono export language=python export ts_lib=./build/${language} export dtype=bf16 # or fp16 export prompt_file=./data/crosscodeeval_data/${language}/line_completion_rg1_unixcoder_cosine_sim.jsonl # or other options in the dir, which corresponds to different retrieval methods and/or retrieval settings export max_seq_length=2048 export cfc_seq_length=512 export batch_size=16 # reduce for larger models export output_dir=./tmp/crosscodeeval_testrun/ accelerate launch \ --model_type $model_type \ --model_name_or_path $model_name \ --cfc_seq_length $cfc_seq_length \ --prompt_file $prompt_file \ --gen_length 50 \ --max_seq_length $max_seq_length \ --batch_size $batch_size \ --output_dir $output_dir \ --dtype $dtype \ --num_return_sequences 1 \ --overwrite_cache True \ --ts_lib $ts_lib \ --language $language ``` You may run sampling via the following (additional) args: ```bash --do_sample \ --top_p 0.95 \ --temperature 0.2 \ --num_return_sequences 5 \ ```

OpenAI models

OpenAI models are accessible through an API. You may use the following script:

export model=gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 
export language=python
export task=line_completion_rg1_unixcoder_cosine_sim
export output_dir=./tmp/crosscodeeval_openai_testrun/
python scripts/ \
  --task $task \
  --language $language \
  --model $model \
  --output_dir $output_dir \

Metrics Calculation

After obtaining the generation, we can calculate the final metrics

export language=python
export ts_lib=./build/${language}; 
export task=line_completion_oracle_unixcoder_cosine_sim
export prompt_file=./data/${language}/${task}.jsonl 
export output_dir=./tmp/crosscodeeval_testrun/;  
python scripts/ \
  --prompt_file $prompt_file \
  --output_dir $output_dir \
  --ts_lib $ts_lib \
  --language $language \


    title={CrossCodeEval: A Diverse and Multilingual Benchmark for Cross-File Code Completion}, 
    author={Yangruibo Ding and Zijian Wang and Wasi Uddin Ahmad and Hantian Ding and Ming Tan and Nihal Jain and Murali Krishna Ramanathan and Ramesh Nallapati and Parminder Bhatia and Dan Roth and Bing Xiang},
    booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track},


Please feel free to email us (email addresses in the paper). You may also submit an issue in this repo.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.