amazon-science / explainable-trajectory-prediction

Official code repository for the ICLR 2022 paper "You Mostly Walk Alone: Analyzing Feature Attribution in Trajectory Prediction".
Apache License 2.0
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Explainable Trajectory Prediction

This repository contains the code for explainable trajectory prediction based on Shapley values.

Data Preparation

The processing code/files of the ETH-UCY, nuScenes and SDD can be found at:

To process the SportVU dataset for the two frameworks:

python tools/
python tools/
python tools/

The raw data can be accessed at:


Download the following frameworks and place them under:

Pre-trained Models

All pre-trained models are provided under models/.

Models Testing

Examples to test models:

# Testing Traj++Edge on ETH
env PYTHONPATH=src python bin/ models/trajectron/eth-ucy/eth_edge 100 data/eth-ucy/eth_test.pkl cpu 
# Testing PECNet on SDD
env PYTHONPATH=src python bin/ thirdparty/PECNet/saved_models/ thirdparty/PECNet/social_pool_data/test_all_4096_0_100.pickle

To test the models without interaction, append --without_neighbours to the call.

Model Training

An example call to train Trajectron++Edge:

# Training Traj++Edge on SportVU 
env PYTHONPATH=src python bin/ --config models/trajectron/sport/edge/config.json --data_dir data/sport --train_data_dict trajectron_train.pkl --log_dir logs --log_tag sport_traj++Edge --train_epochs 20 --save_every 5 --deeper_action --late_fusion

Shapley Values Estimation

Example calls to compute Shapley values:

# Shapley values of Traj++Edge on the first scene of SportVU
env PYTHONPATH=src python bin/ models/trajectron/sport/edge 20 data/sport/trajectron_test.pkl cuda:0 home nll zero 0 results/sport/Traj++Edge --random_node_types home guest

# Shapley values of PECNet on the first scene of SportVU
env PYTHONPATH=src python bin/ models/pecnet/ data/sport/pecnet_test.pkl 0 results/sport/pecnet

The above calls estimate the Shapley values per scene, to merge the results over all scenes of a dataset:

python tools/ results/sport Traj++Edge nll results


An example call to plot the aggregated Shapley values by comparing two models:

python tools/ --names Traj++ Traj++Edge --paths results/Traj++_nll.pkl results/Traj++Edge_nll.pkl --output_path results/SportVU_nll.png

To plot the local analysis (per scenario) of the SportVU:

python tools/ results/sport/Traj++Edge_home_0_nll.pkl results/court.png

where the second argument point to the image of the scene and can be accessed at:

Unit Tests

The following script checks a set of unit tests.



See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.