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Coala is a python package for Contextual Answer Sentence Selection.
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natural-language-processing passage-reranking question-answering transformers

Contextual Answer Sentence Selection

License: CC BY-NC 4.0 Generic badge Python 3.8 Python 3.7

Coala is a python package for Contextual Answer Sentence Selection.

Answer Sentence Selection (AS2) is a sub-task of question answering, and it aims at finding the sentence containing the answer for a given input question from a pool of possible candidate sentences (e.g. retrieved from a search engine).

In our contextual AS2 task, we provide models that leverage contextual information coming from the documents (or the paragraphs) containing the candidate answers.

If you need further information, you can see our recent papers [1,2].

This code requires torch 1.7 and transformers 3.5


If you use this code for scientific research, please cite the following paper:

  title={Answer sentence selection using local and global context in transformer models},
  author={Lauriola, Ivano and Moschitti, Alessandro},

Introduction & main use cases

In the following we show the main use cases of this library. You can find additional examples in the examples folder.


Let's start from data.

We provide a script to convert SQuAD-2.0 from Machine Reading to AS2.


python <repository-path>/scripts/ train-v2.0.json squad2.0-train.csv squad2.0-train-docs.json
python <repository-path>/scripts/ dev-v2.0.json squad2.0-dev.csv squad2.0-dev-docs.json

The code generates two files for training and two files for development. These files contain AS2 examples (q/a/ctx) and paragraphs to run experiments involving global contexts.

The same can be done to pre-process NQ.

Firstly, download the raw NQ dataset here (we need raw files to build contextual data). Then, download ASNQ, a version of NQ designed for AS2
tar -xvf asnq.tar

You should find two files in a folder data/asnq/, namely train.tsv and dev.tsv Now, you can run the script to add context, that is

python <PATH_NQ>/dev data/asnq/dev.tsv asnq-dev-ctx.csv asnq-dev-docs.json
python <PATH_NQ>/train data/asnq/train.tsv asnq-train-ctx.csv asnq-train-docs.json

where asnq-[train/dev]-ctx.csv will be the contextual version of ASNQ, and asnq-[train/dev]-docs.json will contain the list of full documents.

We consider input observations as a list of dictionaries with fields:

Field Description Mandatory Example
question the asked question yes Who is Pippo Franco?
answer a candidate answer sentence yes Pippo Franco is an Italian actor
previous the sentence that preceeds the candidate yes -
successive the sentence next to the candidate yes He was born in Rome
title the title of the document containing the candidate no Bibliography of Pippo Franco
doc_id an univoke index of the document no 32531672372
label the output class, 1 good answer 0 else yes 1

If your dataset is stored in a csv file with the columns described in the previous table, you can simply read it

from coala.loader import read_dataset
data = read_dataset(path_to_my_file)

Note that, in the simple non-contextualized AS2 task you only need the fields question, answer, and label.

We provide specialyzed datasets to handle contextual AS2 data, e.g:

from transformers import RobertaTokenizer
tokenizer = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained('roberta-base')

from coala.datasets import AS2LocalDataset
dataset = AS2LocalDataset(
    data,               # our q/a/ctx tuples
    tokenizer,          # the tokenizer
    max_seq_len=256,    # the maximum length of the encoded text
    task_label='as2')   # as2 or mlm

We can also play with our custom dataloaders to handle batches and datasets. In the following example, we use a trivial PyTorch dataloader

from import DataLoader
from coala.utils import batch_padding_as2

my_padding_fn = batch_padding_as2(tokenizer.pad_token_id)
dataloader = DataLoader(
    batch_size  = 64,       # global batch size
    shuffle     = True,     # this should be False for validation/test dataloader!!!
    num_workers = workers,  # number of threads
    collate_fn  = my_padding_fn)    # custom collate function to create batches


Coala defines several models for AS2 based on Transformer architecture. These models can be imported from coala.models, and they are summarized in the following table.

Model Class Description Encoded text
BaseModelForAS2 The simple model that encodes q/a pairs without context [CLS] question [SEP] answer
LocalModelForAS2 An extended model encoding the surrounding sentences of a candidate answer [CLS] question [SEP] previous [SEP] answer [SEP] successive
LocalOrdModelForAS2 A model with re-ordered local context. Suitable for low-resource scenarios [CLS] question [SEP] answer [SEP] previous [SEP] successive

The simplest way to use a Contextual AS2 model is starting from pre-trained public checkpoints from HuggingFace

from coala.models import LocalModelForAS2
model = LocalModelForAS2('roberta-base')
# or
model = LocalModelForAS2('path_to_model_or_dir')

We provide specialyzed wrappers to train our models with a few coding lines. Our wrapper can be configured with various parameters as showed in the following example

from coala import AS2Trainer as Trainer
from transformers import get_constant_schedule
import torch

trainer = Trainer(
    model,              # our contextual AS2 model
    optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(self.model.parameters(), lr=1e-5),
    scheduler = get_constant_schedule(self.optimizer),
    epochs    = 5,      # maximum number of epochs
    patience  = 2,      # early stop after 2 epochs
    loss_fct  = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(),
    val_metric= 'p@1',  # the metric used for selecting the best model
    debug     = False,  
    save_path = None,   # the name of the output model
    device    = 'cpu')

Now, we are ready to train our contextual AS2 model!

trainer =, dataset_validation)

The trainer shows some information each epoch, including the computational time, loss, and validation performance. If you specified the parameter save_path, you should find a pt file in that location containing the fine-tuned model.


After training, you can simply load a fine-tuned contextual model with:

model = torch.load(

We can use our Trainer to predict the label of new examples (be sure that the parameter shuffle of the dataloader is set to False)

predictions = Trainer(model).predict(dataset_test)

For the sake of usability, we provide mechanisms to compute a few metrics and statistics

from coala.evaluation import report

labels = dataset_test.labels
questions = dataset_test.questions

print (report(labels, predictions, questions))
>{'examples':2000, 'questions':150, 'AUC': 91.77, 'p@1': 80.23, 'MAP':86.19, ...}

We can also print a simple precision-coverage curve

from coala.evaluation import precision_curve
precision, ans_rate, thresholds = precision_curve(labels, predictions, questions)

The function precision_curve returns the points of the precision/answer-rate curve as triplets with values precision-answerrate-threshold.

Work in progress

The content of this library represents a small portion of the current research in contextual AS2.

In the near future, we will add additional modules to cover different types of contexts (including global contexts).

If you have feedbacks, requests, or bug reports, please let us know