ambtus / mobile-pages

Create a personal archive of pages saved from the web, or uploaded, to read on your mobile device
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

== Description

Create a private archive of pages saved from the web to read in ePub format

== Caveats

Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE.

== Overview of features

What?: Why?

Store: combat link rot Scrub: clean html for better experience on a small screen Download: offline reading Rate: allows filtering and also sets last read date Search & Filter: find a specific page to read

== Setup

=== system requirements

calibre command line tools (

=== required configuration

mkdir log mkdir tmp

cp config/database.example config/database.yml cp config/initializers/my_websites.example config/initializers/my_websites.rb cp config/initializers/session_store.example config/initializers/session_store.rb

create credentials:

rails secret rails credentials:edit

=== optional configuration

edit public/stylesheets/application.css

add password authentication to front end server

=== gem installation

bundle install rake db:create:all rake db:schema:load

== Testing

Contact me for the html files

rake cucumber

OR (if you don't have an ao3 login in my_websites.rb)

cucumber features/[a-y]*.feature