amcolex / umsg

Lightweight pub-sub library written in C.
MIT License
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A Lightweight pub-sub library written in C for embedded systems.

Analyze your source code with umsg-graph, and generate a communication flow chart, such as:



Generate Library

The easiest is to install umsg generator python library with:

pip install umsg-gen

Prepare your topic .json file (see [topic definition]#Defining-messages) with your messages. And save them in a separate directory such as '\messages'


umsg-gen -d '\messages' -o '\umsg_lib'

Add to CMake Project

The generated library contains a CMakeLists.txt. Select the port and add the library to your CMake project with:


A CMake uMsgLib shared library is created. Link your FreeRTOS library to the uMsgLib library

target_link_libraries(uMsgLib freertos_kernel)

Finally, link uMsgLib to your main project target

target_link_libraries(your_project uMsgLib)

Add to IDE Project (Eclipse, STM32CubeIDE, etc)

In project settings:

Keep only one of the port_xxxx.c (i.e. port_freertos.c) in the 'umsg_lib/core/src', by excluding or deleting the others.

uMsg Publish and Subscribe Overview

Generated API

uMsg generates a seperated .h and .c file for each topic json file.

For example. given a sensors.json which contains an 'imu' message, the following API functions are generated:

umsg_sub_handle_t umsg_sensors_imu_subscribe(uint32_t prescaler, uint8_t length);
void umsg_sensors_imu_publish(umsg_sensors_imu_t* data);

Publish data. Data will be sent to the message queue of all subscribers (adapted by the prescaler)

uint8_t umsg_sensors_imu_receive(umsg_sub_handle_t queue, umsg_sensors_imu_t* data, uint32_t timeout);

Receive function used by subscribers. Timeout is given in [ms]. For infinite timeout use the RTOS defines, such as portMAX_DELAY

uint8_t umsg_sensors_imu_peek(umsg_sensors_imu_t* data);

Reads the latest which were published, bypassing the queues. return 0 if no values were ever published.

Multi-Channel API functions

Both the subscribe and publish API functions have multi-channel variants, with the '_ch' suffix.

umsg_sub_handle_t umsg_sensors_imu_subscribe_ch(uint32_t prescaler, uint8_t length, uint8_t channel);

void umsg_sensors_imu_publish_ch(umsg_sensors_imu_t* data, uint8_t channel);

Often there are multiple publishers for the same message type. For example, two imu drivers can be running and each publishes their respective data.

The channel API allows each driver to send to a different channel number, and for the subscribers to decide which channel to listen to.

It's up to the application code to allocate and keep track of the channel numbers.

Defining messages

A topic is a dedicated .json file that contains a list of messages and enums (optional).


   "enums":[                    // array of enum declarations (optional)
         "name":"colors",       // enum name
         "enumerators":[        // string array of enumerators
   "msgs":[                                 // array of message declarations
         "name":"color_selection",          // message name
         "fields":[                         // array of fields
               "name":"chosen_color",       // field name
               "type":"colors"              // field type (from list of primitives or enum)
         "name":"simple_msg",               // message name
         "fields":[                         // array of fields
               "name":"name",               // field name
               "type":"char",               // field type
               "length":10                  // field length (array)
               "name":"age",                // field name
               "type":"uint8"               // field type
               "name":"height",             // field name
               "type":"float"               // field type
               "name":"attributes",         // field name
               "type":"uint8",              // field type
               "bitfield":[                 // declare as bitfield
                     "name":"married",      // bitfield name
                     "bits":1               // bitfield length

Generated Typedefs:

typedef enum
} umsg_example_colors_t;

typedef struct
    umsg_example_colors_t chosen_color;
} umsg_example_color_selection_t;

typedef struct
    char name[10];
    uint8_t age;
    float height;
    uint8_t married : 1, has_children : 1, has_dog : 1;
} umsg_example_simple_msg_t;

list of primitives:

Field members can be any of the above primitives - as a scalar, array, or bitfield.

They can also be an enum as long as it's declared in the enum section of the file.

The generated code follows this naming template:

typedef struct {

All of the topic.json files should be grouped in a single directory. which are then passed to the umsg-gen generator.


(Work in Progress)