amds-ldeo / Vocabulary

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What is here:

This repository is a workspace for developing and maintaining vocabularies to support interoperable sample-based analytical data from astromaterials.

Geochemistry folder

Vocabularies for for analytical techniques in geochemistry and cosmochemistry. The directory contains SKOS vocabulary drafts, serialized using turtle (ttl). HTML versions are generated in the html folders in this repo using the scripts in the scripts folder on the pages branch. The html is accessible on the pages for the repo, links included in vocabulary descriptions.

Analytical methods for geochemistry and cosmochemistry

Vocabulary of analytical techniques for analyzing Earth, astronomic, and planetary materials.


SKOS vocabualary, serialized using Turtle. Based on Geo-X spreadsheet from Manja Luzi (GFZ Potsdam), with some general categories added to fill out the hierarchy. GeoX Analytical Techniques vocabulary draft

Extraterrestrial materials folder (ETmaterials)

This folder contains development work for a vocabulary to classify types of meteorites and other extraterrestrial (ET) materials. Classes based on Meteorite Bulletin (MetBull) classes that were extracted into Mindat. Some MetBull classes are not included in Mindat and will be added. There are some lunar materials based on Apollo return samples, and links to a few terrestrial material classes that subsume the ET material.

Extraterrestrial Materials classes

Vocabulary of categories of meteorites and lunar materials.


Draft vocabulary for mineral species. Information pulled from Wikipedia, RRUFF, and MinDat. Includes hierarchy from Strunz classes and Mindat mineral groups.