amesar / mlflow-export-import

Export and import MLflow experiments, runs or registered models
Apache License 2.0
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MLflow Export Import

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This package provides tools to export and import MLflow objects (runs, experiments or registered models) from one MLflow tracking server (Databricks workspace) to another. See the Databricks MLflow Object Relationships slide deck.

Useful Links



Why use MLflow Export Import?

Migration modes

Source tracking server Destination tracking server Note
Open source Open source common
Open source Databricks less common
Databricks Databricks common
Databricks Open source rare

Two migration tool contexts

Two sets of migration tools



General Limitations

Databricks Limitations

Exporting Notebook Revisions

Importing Notebooks

Used ID

Common options details

notebook-formats - If exporting a Databricks run, the run's notebook revision can be saved in the specified formats (comma-delimited argument). Each format is saved in the notebooks folder of the run's artifact root directory as notebook.{format}. Supported formats are SOURCE, HTML, JUPYTER and DBC. See Databricks Export Format documentation.

use-src-user-id - Set the destination user ID to the source user ID. Source user ID is ignored when importing into Databricks since the user is automatically picked up from your Databricks access token.

export-metadata-tags - Creates metadata tags (starting with mlflow_export_import.metadata) that contain export information. These are the source mlflow tags in addition to other information. This is useful for provenance and auditing purposes in regulated industries.

Name                                          Value
mlflow_export_import.metadata.timestamp       1551037752
mlflow_export_import.metadata.timestamp_nice  2019-02-24 19:49:12
mlflow_export_import.metadata.experiment_id   2
mlflow_export_import.metadata.experiment-name sklearn_wine          50fa90e751eb4b3f9ba9cef0efe8ea30
mlflow_export_import.metadata.tracking_uri    http://localhost:5000


Supports python 3.7.6 or above.

Local setup

First create a virtual environment.

python -m venv mlflow-export-import
source mlflow-export-import/bin/activate

There are two different ways to install the package.

1. Install from github directly

pip install git+https:///

2. Install from github clone

git clone
cd mlflow-export-import
pip install -e .

Databricks setup

There are two different ways to install the package.

1. Install package in notebook

Install notebook-scoped libraries with %pip.

pip install git+https:///

2. Install package as a wheel on cluster

Build the wheel artifact, upload it to DBFS and then install it on your cluster.

python bdist_wheel
databricks fs cp dist/mlflow_export_import-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl {MY_DBFS_PATH}

Databricks MLflow usage

To run the tools externally (from your laptop) against a Databricks tracking server (workspace) set the following environment variables.

export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=databricks

For full details see Access the MLflow tracking server from outside Databricks.

Running tools

The main tool scripts can be executed either as a standard Python script or console script.

Python console scripts (such as export-run, import-run, etc.) are provided as a convenience. For a list of scripts see

This allows you to use:

export-experiment --help

instead of:

python -u -m mlflow_export_import.experiment.export_experiment --help