:warning: Amethyst is currently undergoing a re-write from the ground up. We'll be releasing the public roadmap soon.
Amethyst is a web framework written in the Crystal language. The goals of Amethyst are to be extremely fast and to provide agility in application development, much like Rails.
Latest version - 0.1.7 Note that Amethyst is at its early stages, so it lacks for whole bunch of things. But you can give a hand with contributing.
For detailed information, see docs on our wiki below:
Here are some benchmarking results
For now, next things are implemented:
)Here is classic 'Hello World' in Amethyst
require "crystal-on-rails/amethyst"
class WorldController < Base::Controller
actions :hello
view "hello", "#{__DIR__}/views"
def hello
@name = "World"
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render "hello" }
class HelloWorldApp < Base::App
routes.draw do
all "/", "world#hello"
get "/hello", "world#hello"
register WorldController
app = Amethyst.new HelloWorldApp
# /views/hello.ecr
Hello, <%= name %>
Start your application:
crystal deps
crystal build src/hello.cr
Go to http://localhost:8080/.
Feel free to fork project and make pull-requests.
I would be glad for any help with contributing.