amidesfahani / filament-tinyeditor

a TineMce editor for Laravel Filament Forms
MIT License
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Filament TineMce Editor

A TineMce integration for Filament Admin/Forms.



Install the package via composer

composer require amidesfahani/filament-tinyeditor

Publish assets

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AmidEsfahani\FilamentTinyEditor\TinyeditorServiceProvider"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AmidEsfahani\FilamentTinyEditor\TinyeditorServiceProvider" --tag="config"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AmidEsfahani\FilamentTinyEditor\TinyeditorServiceProvider" --tag="views"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AmidEsfahani\FilamentTinyEditor\TinyeditorServiceProvider" --tag="public"


The editor extends the default Field class so most other methods available on that class can be used when adding it to a form.

use AmidEsfahani\FilamentTinyEditor\TinyEditor;

    ->rtl() // Set RTL or use ->direction('auto|rtl|ltr')


The plugin will work without publishing the config, but should you need to change any of the default settings you can publish the config file with the following Artisan command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tinyeditor-config"

Profiles / Tools

The package comes with 4 profiles (or toolbars) out of the box. You can also use a pipe | to separate tools into groups. The default profile is the full set of tools.

'profiles' => [
    'default' => [
        'plugins' => 'accordion autoresize codesample directionality advlist link image lists preview pagebreak searchreplace wordcount code fullscreen insertdatetime media table emoticons',
        // Installing external plugins
        'external_plugins' => [
        'paste_from_word' => ''
        'toolbar' => 'undo redo removeformat | styles | bold italic | rtl ltr | alignjustify alignright aligncenter alignleft | numlist bullist outdent indent | forecolor backcolor | blockquote table toc hr | image link media codesample emoticons | wordcount fullscreen',
        'upload_directory' => null,
        // Custom Configs
        'custom_configs' => [
        'paste_webkit_styles' => 'color font-size',

    'simple' => [
        'plugins' => 'autoresize directionality emoticons link wordcount',
        'toolbar' => 'removeformat | bold italic | rtl ltr | numlist bullist | link emoticons',
        'upload_directory' => null,

    'minimal' => [
        'plugins' => 'link wordcount',
        'toolbar' => 'bold italic link numlist bullist',
        'upload_directory' => null,

    'full' => [
        'plugins' => 'accordion autoresize codesample directionality advlist autolink link image lists charmap preview anchor pagebreak searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen insertdatetime media table emoticons template help',
        'toolbar' => 'undo redo removeformat | styles | bold italic | rtl ltr | alignjustify alignright aligncenter alignleft | numlist bullist outdent indent accordion | forecolor backcolor | blockquote table toc hr | image link anchor media codesample emoticons | visualblocks print preview wordcount fullscreen help',
        'upload_directory' => null,

RTL Support

In order for things like text align to work properly with RTL languages you can switch the direction key in the config to 'rtl'.

// config/filament-tinyeditor.php
'direction' => 'rtl'


This project follow the Semantic Versioning guidelines.


Licensed under the MIT license, see for details.