amillb / streetwidths

Calculate street widths and land value
MIT License
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The width and value of residential streets

Code to replicate the analysis in: Millard-Ball, Adam. 2021. "The width and value of residential streets." Journal of the American Planning Association, in press.

For more information visit

Running this project

This guide provides, hopefully, the easiest way to set up your environment to run this project. It assumes you have the following installed and are familiar with using them:

Setting up the conda environment:

  1. After cloning this repository, create a new conda environment using the provided environment.yml file (conda env create -f environment.yml).
  2. Clone this repository anywhere and keep note of the directory it is in:
  3. Within pgMapMatch, duplicate and name the copy The contents of do not have to be changed.
  4. Activate the new conda environment (conda activate streetwidths), and add pgMapMatch to the environment's PATH (conda develop /path/to/the/directory/containing/pgMapMatch, not pgMapMatch itself).

Setting up the PostgreSQL database:

  1. Using pgAdmin or psql, create a database named streetwidths.
  2. Connect to the database and perform the following:
    • Create a schema named main and another named rawdata.
    • Run the SQL CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster;.
  3. Open pg_hba.conf and write the following line at the top of the file:
    host    streetwidths    all             ::1/128                 trust
    • (pg_hba.conf can be located by running the SQL SHOW data_directory;.)
  4. Make sure your PostgreSQL binaries directory is added to your PATH environment variable.

Setting up the data and osm2po:

  1. Locate the README's inside the following directories, and download (and extract) the files from the sources listed by the README's into the same directories:
    • Data
    • Data/Tracts
    • Data/Parcel_data
    • Data/Roads
    • Data/Other
    • osm2po-5
  2. For each county, you'll need to know the EPSG code for the State Plane (in meters). Add it to the dictionary called projections at the start of (If anyone wants to share a lookup file, please do and we can automate this step.)
  3. After downloading all the data, make sure the directories resemble this structure:
    • Data
    • FBUY
    • data
      • FBUY.tif
      • ...
    • ...
    • Other
    • Land-Prices_DLOS_2020_26Oct.xlsx
    • tl_2019_us_uac10.shp
    • ...
    • Parcel_data
    • (your_counties)
      • (parcel_boundaries).shp
      • ...
    • ...
    • Roads
    • (your_states)-latest.osm.pbf
    • ...
    • Tracts
    • cb_2019_us_tract_500k.shp
    • ...
    • osm2po-5
    • osm2po-core-5.2.43-signed.jar
    • ...

Note that the parcels data should have voids for the street rights of way, rather than representing streets with their own parcel(s). If you don't have avoids, you will probably get an out of memory error. (Feel free to adapt the code to make it robust to this situation.)

Additional Windows setup:

  1. Make sure Powershell is installed and added to your PATH. (This is usually already done in a normal Windows installation.)
  2. Install the GDAL package from OSGeo4W. (The ogr2ogr that comes with conda and PostGIS usually do not work or have the necessary drivers.)


Where are my results?

They will be in the main schema as a postgres table: osm_metrics_XXXXX, where XXXXX is the county fips code. You can also see some of the intermediate tables for the county.

See the data dictionary for details of how to interpret each column.


This study was made possible through funding received by the University of California Institute of Transportation Studies Statewide Transportation Research Program, funded by the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB 1). The authors would like to thank the State of California for its support of university-based research, and especially for the funding provided in support of this project.

Thanks to Theodore Lau for programming assistance and documentation.