amirabet / artur_es

My personal landing page
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My personal landing page

Finally I've been able to develop a little landing page that tries to make a quick introduction of myself but also including a bit of CSS creativity.


The page is quite simple and with a low amount of content, focusing on some "artistic" fragments that I'm developing individually.

Animated Logo

I made a version of my own logo fully on CSS, and after that I decided to animate it, wich was an easy but fun task after building the CS shapes stuff.

Check it on Codepen


After having a small piece of content that depicts my profile in a short way, I decided to enhace it by boxing the text in a black frozen glass container, that embraces the so 2023ish Linear style.

Thanks to Front End Horse for discovering me this web style with so many other great things.

Stars Pattern

I also loved to build a subtel animated, very minimalistic page background, build with a pattern of stars, also fully made on CSS.

Aurora borealis (Northern lights)

Finally I worked on another background's element which is an "Aurora borealis"-like CSS background build with granulated texture. To accomplish this I followed this tutorials and bring it to my own purpose.