amirivija / porting-advisor-for-graviton

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Porting Advisor for Graviton

This is a fork of Porting advisor, an open source project by the ARM High Performance Computing group. Originally, it was coded as a Python module that analyzed some known incompatibilities for C and Fortran code.

It is a command line tool that analyzes source code for known code patterns and dependency libraries. It then generates a report with any incompatibilities with our Graviton processors. This tool provides suggestions of minimal required and/or recommended versions to run on Graviton instances for both language runtime and dependency libraries. It can run on non-ARM based machines (no Graviton processor needed). This tool does not work on binaries, just source code. It does not make any code modifications, it doesn’t make API level recommendations, nor does it send data back to AWS.

This tool scans all files in a source tree, regardless of whether they are included by the build system or not. As such it may erroneously report issues in files that appear in the source tree but are excluded by the build system. Currently, the tool supports the following languages/dependencies:

For more information on how to modify issues reported, use the tool’s built-in help:

./porting-advisor-linux-x86_64 -–help

If you run into any issues, see our CONTRIBUTING file.

How to run:

As a Python script


Enable Python Environment


$. python3 -m venv .venv
$. source .venv/bin/activate


PS> python -m venv .venv
PS> .\.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1

Install requirements

$. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run tool (console output)

$. python3 src/ ~/my/path/to/my/repo

Run tool (HTML report)

$. python3 src/ ~/my/path/to/my/repo --output report.html

As a binary

Generating the binary


The script will generate a self-contained binary (for Linux/MacOS). It will be output to a folder called dist.

$ ./

For Windows, the Build.ps1 will generate a folder with an EXE and all the files it requires to run.

PS> .\Build.ps1

Running the binary


Once you have the binary generated, it will only require Java 11 Runtime (or above) if you want to scan JAR files for native methods. Otherwise, the file is self-contained and doesn't need Python to run.

Default behaviour, console output:

$ ./porting-advisor-linux-x86_64 ~/my/path/to/my/repo

Generating HTML report:

$ ./porting-advisor-linux-x86_64 ~/my/path/to/my/repo --output report.html

Generating a report of just dependencies (this creates an Excel file with just the dependencies we found on the repo, no suggestions provided):

$ ./porting-advisor-linux-x86_64 ~/my/path/to/my/repo --output dependencies.xlsx --output-format dependencies

Sample console report output:

./dist/porting-advisor-linux-x86_64 ./sample-projects/
| Elapsed Time: 0:00:03

Porting Advisor for Graviton v1.0.0
Report date: 2023-01-06 23:48:20

13 files scanned.
detected java code. we recommend using Corretto. see for more details.
detected python code. if you need pip, version 19.3 or above is recommended. we detected that you have version 22.2.1.
detected python code. min version 3.7.5 is required. we detected that you have version 3.10.6. see for more details.
./sample-projects/java-samples/pom.xml: dependency library: leveldbjni-all is not supported on Graviton
./sample-projects/java-samples/pom.xml: using dependency library snappy-java version 1.1.3. upgrade to at least version 1.1.4
./sample-projects/java-samples/pom.xml: using dependency library zstd-jni version 1.1.0. upgrade to at least version 1.2.0
./sample-projects/python-samples/incompatible/requirements.txt:3: using dependency library OpenBLAS version 0.3.16. upgrade to at least version 0.3.17
detected go code. min version 1.16 is required. version 1.18 or above is recommended. we detected that you have version 1.15. see for more details.
./sample-projects/java-samples/pom.xml: using dependency library hadoop-lzo. this library requires a manual build  more info at:
./sample-projects/python-samples/incompatible/requirements.txt:5: dependency library NumPy is present. min version 1.19.0 is required.
detected java code. min version 8 is required. version 11 or above is recommended. see for more details.

Use --output FILENAME.html to generate an HTML report.