amkrajewski / TDB-Highlighter

VS Code Language Extension provides syntax highlighting for the Thermodynamic DataBase (TDB) files used in the CALPHAD community to describe thermodynamic models of properties of materials.
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TDB Highlighter

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| Features | FAQ | Examples for Different Themes | GitHub Repository | In-Browser Use w. GitHub Dev | CotEditor Install | JetBrains Install |

You didn't know you can't do CALPHAD without it.

This VS Code Language Extension, developed by Adam M. Krajewski in Prof. Zi-Kui Liu's group at The Pennsylvania State University, provides syntax highlighting for the Thermodynamic DataBase (TDB) files used in the CALPHAD community to describe thermodynamic properties of materials. You can find them alongside publications in the CALPHAD Journal published by Elsevier, or in the Thermodynamic DataBase DataBase (TDBDB) maintained by Prof. van de Walle group at Brown University.

Most critically, if something is highlighted differently than you expect, you know something may be wrong with it :). E.g., in +1.95033E-07*T**3-.01798O876*T**2+78.5244752*T*LN(T)-722.59722*T+229382.886-93813648*T**(-1); 3290 Y one of the numbers is not a number and will be red. Guess which one...? Likewise, that LAVE_C36 phase you just typed will stand out.

Note: Unsolicited feedback, feature requests, and pull requests are happily accepted!


Together, they yield the following neat-looking TDB header and function definitions:

Example of TDB Highlighter in action

***and the main body of thermodynamic model parameters:***

Example of TDB Highlighter in action

***Oh! And it works in the dark mode, too!***

Example of TDB Highlighter in action

We have tested that it performs very well with a number of themes, including: **(VSCode Default) Light Modern, Quiet Light, Solarized Light, Monokai, Monokai Dimmed, Synthwave '84, and (VSCode Default) Dark Modern**. You can see some of the [example renderings below](#example-renderings). If you find that TDB Highlighter does not work well with your theme, please open an issue in this repository and we will try to fix it. ## Install ### VS Code Installing `TDB Highlighter` in VS Code is trivial, as it is released through the official Microsoft Marketplace and the only thing you need to do is to go to "Extensions" tab (left edge, center) by clicking its icon (4 squares, one detached) and press "Install". ### GitHub Dev Mode ( You may not know, but GitHub repositories can be run in developer mode with the same graphical interface as VS Code. You can give it a try by going to any repository with `TDB` files (like [this one for high-entropy alloys]( and simply pressing the period key (a.k.a dot or `.`) on your keyboard. `TDB Highlighter` was designed to be fully compatible with that interface and you can install just like in the [VS Code instructions](#vs-code) above. The whole process should not take more than one minute and you will be ready to highlight your `TDB`s. If you want to try it out on your own files, you can just drag and drop them into the "Explorer" tab (left edge, first from the top) and it will be persisted in your browser (locally!) until you reset your browser cache or restart your computer. If you want to persist things, you can use local VS Code or set up your own GitHub repository and Commit&Push your progress under "Source Control" tab. ### CotEditor Installing `TDB Highlighter` in [CotEditor](, which happens to be my favorite text editor on Mac, is also very straightforward. Plese follow [these dedicated instructions](CotEditor/ ### JetBrains / IntelliJ / PyCharm The source code of `TDB Highlighter` is fully compatible with IntelliJ, PyCharm, and other JetBrains products through their TextMate Bundles *default* extension, so, like with CotEditor, there is no need to install any plugins. Simply obtain our source code by either (a) cloning the repository, (b) downloading it as ZIP by going to `Code<> > Local > Download ZIP` and unpacking, or (c) downloading it as ZIP from one of the releases and unpacking. Make sure to place files in a location you will not delete in the future (like Documents rather than Downloads). Once you are ready, in your JetBrains product, go to `Settings.. > Editor > TextMate Bundles` and click on the plus button (`+`) to add a new bundle, then navigate to the `TDB Highlighter` source code root (you should see `package.json` but grayed-out), and, finally, click `Open`. Done! You should now have syntax highlighting of all of your `.tdb` and `.TDB` files. ## FAQ ***No known _errors_ at this time!*** However, in some cases listed below, the highlighting may not be perfect due to the arbitrary nature of the TDB files and the limitations of the approach. ### User-Defined Phases The phase highlighting is not perfect in a way that it will never cover all the cases since names are arbitrary user choices and can be any string. Thus, without _interpreting_ the TDB file (as opposed to _lexing_ it like we do here), it is impossible to know what is a phase in every context. Thus, we rely on a list of **common phase name *patterns*** that are known to be used in the community. They are currently (as of V1.2.0) covered by this regex (where `\\w*` can be interpreted as "any characters remaining in word", `\\d` is any digit, and `|` is "or" operator): "\\b(ELECTRON_GAS|VACUUM|GAS|LIQUID|IONIC_L\\w*|FCC\\w*|BCC\\w*|HCP\\w*|DHCP|CBCC\\w*|DELTA|DOUBLE\\w*|DIA\\w*|DIAMOND\\w*|BCT\\w*|RHO\\w*|ORTHORHOMBIC\\w*|TETRAGONAL\\w*|LAVES\\w*|CEMENTITE\\w*|SIGMA\\w*|MU\\w*|LAMBDA\\w*|ETA\\w*|BETA\\w*|GRAPHITE\\w*|THETA\\w*|GAMMA\\w*|C14|C15|C36|ORT|R_PHASE|AMORPHOUS\\w*|\\w*_AMORPHOUS|\\w*_FCC|\\w*_BCC|\\w*_HCP|\\w*_BCT|\\w*_ALPHA|\\w*_PRIME|\\w*_BETA|\\w*_GAMMA|\\w*_DELTA|\\w*_EPSILON|\\w*_ETA|\\w*MU|\\w*_SIGMA|\\w*_TAU|\\w*_D019|\\w*_D83|\\w*_A\\d|\\w*_A\\d\\d|\\w*_B\\d|\\w*_B\\d\\d|\\w*_C\\d|\\w*_C\\d\\d|\\w*_D\\d|\\w*_D\\d\\d|\\w*_E\\d|\\w*_E\\d\\d|\\w*_H\\d|\\w*_H\\d\\d|\\w*_L\\d|\\w*_L\\d\\d|\\w*_S\\d|\\w*_S\\d\\d)\\b" You will notice all compound-based names (both explicit `NACL` and anonymous `M23C6`) are not covered and this is by design, due to both practical and fundamental issues using such ambiguous names can introduce, even though they are very convenient and commonly used. At the same time, you can quickly adjust this by appending it explicitly with Strukturbericht designation, e.g. `NACL_B2` or `CR23C6_D84`, and everything will work as expected. If you believe something is missing, please open an issue in this repository where you secify the phase name you wish to recognize and we will try to add it. If you wish to add something yourself, **unsolicited pull requests are very welcome**. To do so, adjust regexes in the `tdb.tmLanguage.json` file and open a pull request. ### Names of Species Similar to phases, species names can be arbitrarily set by users, but in this case, the number is so large that it is not feasible to cover even the common ones, as even the same ion can be found written differently across research groups; e.g., `Fe3+`, `Fe+3`, `3+Fe`, `3Fe`, etc. If you wish to highlight your species, please add them to your **local** phases list and avoid opening a pull request for this. ### Function Names Not Recognized in Equations Most likely, your function name does not have the `#` at the end of its name, which is required for it to be recognized as a function. This is intentional, as otherwise, they would conflict _custom user-defined_ species names, which are not provided by default, but can be added by the user and some of them may rely on it. ### Line Lenght Limit Some software, like the very popular [Thermo-Calc](, has a limit on the length of a line in the TDB file, which is 80 characters following the legacy of [Fortran standard]( We do not enforce this limit in the syntax highlighting, as not all software has this limit (e.g. [pycalphad]( However, if you wish to enforce this limit, you can quickly do so by adding the following to your user `settings.json` file in VS Code: "editor.rulers": [80] ## Example Renderings ### Light Modern (VSCode Default Light)

Example of TDB Highlighter in action

### Quiet Light

Example of TDB Highlighter in action

### Solarized Light

Example of TDB Highlighter in action

### Monokai

Example of TDB Highlighter in action

### Monokai Dimmed

Example of TDB Highlighter in action

### Synthwave '84

Example of TDB Highlighter in action

### Dark Modern (VSCode Default Dark)

Example of TDB Highlighter in action

### Modifying the Theme to Your Liking In VS Code, language extensions are meant to use a color theme chosen by the user and thus are, by design, prohibited from making modifications to them. Therefore, TDB Highlighter has to work with existing so-called _tokens_ that are provided by the theme. In some cases, like in [the Dark Modern (VSCode Default Dark)] theme, some critical tokens are explicitly defined to be the same, and there is little we can do about it. Fortunately, as the user, you have complete control over theme customizations! You can, for instance, add the following to your `settings.json` file to make the phase tokens (`markup.heading`) bold gold (`#D0B344`) color in the `Default Dark Modern` theme: "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": { "[Default Dark Modern]": {"textMateRules": [{"scope": "markup.heading","settings": {"foreground": "#D0B344"}}]} }, And you will get the following:

Example of TDB Highlighter in action

## Selected Release Notes ### 1.0.0 - The initial release of TDB Highlighter. ### 1.0.0 - 1.2.1 - Several user-requested features were added and some small bugs have been fixed. ### CotEditor - TDB Highlighter is now available for [**CotEditor**]( as well! For details, please see [this TDB Highlighter release]( ***Enjoy!***