ammaratef45 / hydroponics-garden

A flutter app that can be used to track important dates and service your hydroponically grown plants.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A flutter app that can be used to track important dates and service your hydroponically grown plants.

Deployed at:

How to build locally

You can use unit tests to test your changes or submit a PR and let the CI/CD build and deploy a preview of your changes.

But, If your changes require local testing for faster development, you can follow these instructions.

  1. After cloning the project, create a firebase app.
  2. Add the following information to lib/secrets.dart file:
    class Secrets {
    static const String apiKey = 'REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY';
    static const String appId = 'REPLACE_WITH_APP_ID';
    static const String messagingSenderId = 'REPLACE_WITH_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID';
    static const String projectId = 'REPLACE_WITH_PROJECT_ID';
    static const String authDomain = 'REPLACE_WITH_AUTH_DOMAIN';
    static const String storageBucket = 'REPLACE_WITH_STORAGE_BUCKET';
    • you can aslo run flutterfire configure to automate getting all these information (follow the instructions of the command output)