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This page gives brief examples of how to use the library.
Phase-Support, Featured Updated Feb 25, 2010 by nabeelmukhtar
Calling the methods of the API need access token and secret which is obtained by following the OAuth flow described here. OAuth Flow
All the methods in the library can be divided into the following categories.
Profile API Connections API Network Updates API Search API Messaging API The next section gives a brief example of each API. For complete stand-alone examples please checkout the examples source from svn. API Usage Creating the Client The first step in calling any API method is to create the API client using the api key, api secret, access token, token secret.
Profile API Example To fetch the profile of a person by ID.
Person profile = client.getProfileById(id); System.out.println("Name:" + profile.getFirstName() + " " + profile.getLastName()); System.out.println("Headline:" + profile.getHeadline()); System.out.println("Summary:" + profile.getSummary()); System.out.println("Industry:" + profile.getIndustry()); System.out.println("Picture:" + profile.getPictureUrl()); To specify a profile type, use this syntax:
Person profile = client.getProfileByUrl(url, ProfileType.PUBLIC); To specify field selectors, use this syntax:
Connections API Example Typical way to get connections of the current user:
Connections connections = client.getConnectionsForCurrentUser(); System.out.println("Total connections fetched:" + connections.getTotal()); for (Person person : connections.getPersonList()) { System.out.println(person.getId() + ":" + person.getFirstName() + " " + person.getLastName() + ":" + person.getHeadline()); } To specify field selectors for connections:
Connections connections = client.getConnectionsByUrl(url, EnumSet.of(ProfileField.FIRST_NAME, ProfileField.LAST_NAME, ProfileField.HEADLINE)); You can also specify a starting index and count for paging:
Network Updates API Example To fetch network updates of the current user:
Network network = client.getNetworkUpdates(EnumSet.of(NetworkUpdateType.STATUS_UPDATE));
System.out.println("Total updates fetched:" + network.getUpdates().getTotal());
for (Update update : network.getUpdates().getUpdateList()) {
System.out.println(update.getUpdateKey() + ":" + update.getUpdateContent().getPerson().getFirstName() + " " + update.getUpdateContent().getPerson().getLastName() + "->" + update.getUpdateContent().getPerson().getCurrentStatus());
if (update.getUpdateComments() != null) {
System.out.println("Total comments fetched:" + update.getUpdateComments().getTotal());
for (UpdateComment comment : update.getUpdateComments().getUpdateCommentList()) {
System.out.println(comment.getPerson().getFirstName() + " " + comment.getPerson().getLastName() + "->" + comment.getComment());
To post network update:
Search API Example To search for people, you will have to specify the serach parameters in a map:
Map<SearchParameter, String> searchParameters = new EnumMap<SearchParameter, String>(SearchParameter.class); searchParameters.put(SearchParameter.KEYWORDS, keywords); searchParameters.put(SearchParameter.COMPANY, companyName);
Messaging API Example To send a message to specific IDs in the connections list:
client.sendMessage(Arrays.asList(id1, id2), subject, message); To send invitation to a person by email:
client.sendInviteByEmail(email, firstName, lastName, subject, message); To send invitation to a person retrieved through a search:
Introduction LinkedIn uses OAuth for authentication. The details of the LinkedIn OAuth is given here. OAuth Authentication
Details A typical OAuth authentication follows these steps:
Create OAuth Service To create the OAuth Service, you need the api consumer key and secret.
final LinkedInOAuthService oauthService = LinkedInOAuthServiceFactory.getInstance().createLinkedInOAuthService(consumerKeyValue, consumerSecretValue); Get Request Token For out of band requests:
LinkedInRequestToken requestToken = oauthService.getOAuthRequestToken(); Specifying a callback:
LinkedInRequestToken requestToken = oauthService.getOAuthRequestToken(callbackUrl); Redirect user To Authorize Page You will get the authorisation url by:
String authUrl = requestToken.getAuthorizationUrl(); In a typical web-based JEE application you will redirect user like: (don't forget to save the request token)
session.setAttribute("requestToken", requestToken); response.sendRedirect(authUrl); User Authorisation User will authenticate on the LinkedIn website, you cannot control it through the API. However after authentication the control is returned to the callback url if specified:
Get Access Token Once the control returns to the callback url, you can get the access token like:
LinkedInRequestToken requestToken = (LinkedInRequestToken) session.getAttribute("requestToken"); String oauthVerifier = request.getParameter("oauth_verifier"); LinkedInAccessToken accessToken = oauthService.getOAuthAccessToken(requestToken, oauthVerifier); You can save this access token in a repository and use it to call subsequent API methods like:
final LinkedInApiClientFactory factory = LinkedInApiClientFactory.newInstance(consumerKeyValue, consumerSecretValue); final LinkedInApiClient client = factory.createLinkedInApiClient(accessToken);
Person profile = client.getProfileForCurrentUser();
This page describes the Asynchronous API included with the library.
Phase-Support Updated Feb 22, 2010 by nabeelmukhtar
The linkedin-j library includes a asynchronous operations API that can be used to call LinkedIn API methods in an asynchronous fashion. i.e. The client will not need to wait for the API response to proceed.
Details Creating Asynchronous Client Creating an asynchronous client is very similar to creating a normal client:
final LinkedInApiClientFactory factory = LinkedInApiClientFactory.newInstance(consumerKeyValue, consumerSecretValue); final AsyncLinkedInApiClient client = factory.createAsyncLinkedInApiClient(accessTokenValue, tokenSecretValue); Invoking an Asynchronous Operation You can invoke ann asynchrnous operation like:
Future<?> future = client.postNetworkUpdate(updateText); You will not have to wait for the response. If you want to block for the response, you can check:
future.get(); This call will block until the operation is complete.
Invoking Methods That Return a Result To invoke methods that return some value, you will have to do:
Connections connections = future.get();