amorenoz / ovsdb-mon

An OVSDB database visualization tool based on auto-generated schema bindings
Apache License 2.0
23 stars 4 forks source link
golang ovn ovs ovsdb


ovsdb-mon is an OVSDB monitoring and visulization tool based on libovsdb

Building ovsdb-mon

A common usage for this tool is to monitor an OVN database. However, it is generic enough to be used with any OVSDB schema. By default, ovsdb-mon uses the schema defined in schemas/ovn-nb.ovsschema. If you want to use your own, simply download it from your ovsdb server and replace the existing one

 ovsdb-client get-schema ${SERVER} ${DATABASE} > schemas/my.ovsschema

Then, just build the program specifying a schema file

 make SCHEMA=schemas/my.ovsschema

This will use modelgen to generate a native model of the DB and use it to build ovsdb-mon

Using ovsdb-mon

Usage of ovsdb-mon:

./bin/ovsdb-mon [FLAGS] [COMMAND]
        Autostart: If set to true, it will start monitoring from the begining
  -db string
        Database connection. Default: unix:/${OVS_RUNDIR}/ovnnb_db.sock
  -monitor string
        Only monitor these comma-separated tables
  -no-monitor string
        Do not monitor these comma-separated tables
        If provided, it will run the command and exit. If not, it will enter interactive mode
        For a full description of available commands use the command 'help'

By default it will open an interactive terminal where you can monitor the activity of the DB and inspect it:

./bin/ovsdb-mon  --db tcp:
OVN Monitoring Shell
>>> help
  clear      clear the screen
  exit       exit the program
  help       display help
  list       List the content of a specific table
  save       Save events
  show       Print available tables
  start      Start monitoring activity of the OVN DB
  stop       Stop monitoring activity of the OVN DB

The result looks like this:



Use the yaml and scripts provided in the dist folder in order to deploy pods that provide a ready to use binary for the K8 cluster.

[ -n ${KUBECONFIG} ] || echo Make sure kubectl command can reach the cluster
cd dist
source ./ovsdb-mon-ovn.source
source ./ovsdb-mon-ovs.source

Note: Pod Security Admission must be taken into account when deploying ovsdb-mon, since it needs to access the host network. Being so, a namespace will be created with the required labels, and used by ovsdb-mon pod(s). For more info, see the pod-security-admission documentation.

Local machine (e.g: Openstack node)

If there is an OVN control plane or OVS running locally, run the following command to spin up the container:

For OVN and OVS (e.g: controller):

$ podman run --detach --name ovsdb-mon --rm --network=host -v /var/lib/openvswitch/ovn:/var/lib/openvswitch/ovn -v /var/run/openvswitch:/var/run/openvswitch

For OVS-only (e.g: compute):

$ podman run --detach --name ovsdb-mon --rm --network=host -v /var/run/openvswitch:/var/run/openvswitch

Note: The paths where OVS and OVN socket files are placed might be different in your distro. The container will try some common places but if it doesn't work for you, please raise an Issue.

To start monitoring run:


$ podman exec -it ovsdb-mon ovsdb-mon.OVN_Northbound


$ podman exec -it ovsdb-mon ovsdb-mon.OVN_Southbound


$ podman exec -it ovsdb-mon ovsdb-mon.Open_vSwitch