amorphie / contract

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Amorphie Contract

The main purpose of this project is to validate and show documents to users.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam facilisis, sem at finibus ultricies, lorem urna mattis sapien, vel viverra mauris lorem a risus. Duis id velit sem. Curabitur neque urna, cursus eget erat nec, dictum cursus risus. Etiam nec blandit libero. Vestibulum tincidunt ornare laoreet. Mauris vehicula ante sed elementum rhoncus. Ut placerat consectetur dui.

Nullam mollis ex mollis, scelerisque ex id, vehicula lorem. Cras vel porttitor turpis. Cras fringilla erat vel mauris volutpat mattis et convallis quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Suspendisse ultrices feugiat luctus. Sed ut risus lectus. Duis in mattis magna. Duis in iaculis nisi, vestibulum interdum lorem. Aliquam viverra ornare turpis vitae consequat. Nulla pellentesque libero et sodales mollis. Nullam accumsan, nibh convallis posuere faucibus, ex nunc efficitur magna, in scelerisque enim urna vel augue. Proin venenatis vulputate ornare.


Amorphie Contract

Run the app

You will need the following tools:

Local Deployment

  1. Clone repository.
  2. Run the command docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up -d in terminal
  3. You can log in to the 9001 port minio admin panel and the 5050 port pgadmin admin panel with the test users in the docker-compose.local file.
  4. Run the amorphie-contract project from VSCode or VisualStudio IDE. Make sure that the appsetting section is in Development.
  5. Migrate the DBContext schema in the project to local db with CodeFirst. Make sure that the Contract project is a startup project.

    • dotnet ef database update --startup-project "amorphie.contract/amorphie.contract.csproj" --context ProjectDbContext
      1. If you want to fill some of the test data into the DB, Run the AutoRun folder in the default postman collection.



The REST API to the example app is described below.

Postman Collection

We have prepared a Postman Collection here.

Get list of Contracts


GET /contracts/

curl -i -H 'Accept: application/json' -d 'ReferenceNo=12345&status=new' http://localhost:7000/contracts


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2024 12:36:30 GMT
Status: 201 Created
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Location: /thing/1
Content-Length: 36


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