amosproj / amos2024ss08-cloud-native-llm

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Run Stackoverflow extraction to get more data #78

Closed dominic0df closed 2 days ago

dominic0df commented 3 weeks ago

User story

  1. As a developer
  2. I want to run the Stackoverflow extraction for once completely
  3. So that I get much more data in Q&A format that can be used for training afterwards

Acceptance criteria

Further information

Definition of done (DoD)

DoD general criteria

dominic0df commented 2 weeks ago

Already done work: SP 01, we had some issues with rate limits so it took us a lot of time and therefore we need to spend more time on this task

dominic0df commented 1 week ago

invested time in the last Sprint Sp01. It still takes a lot of time, but we expect to finish the extraction in the next sprint