amosproj / amos2024ss08-cloud-native-llm

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Cloud Native LLM Project (AMOS SS 2024)

License: MIT Kubernetes Version GitHub language count GitHub last commit GitHub issues

AMOS Project

This project is a student project for the AMOS SS 2024 course with the industry partner Kubermatic at Technical University of Berlin,Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and Free University of Berlin, under the supervision of Prof. Riehle and contact persons are Mario Fahlandt and Sebastian Scheele of Kubermatic.


Welcome to the Cloud Native LLM Project for the AMOS SS 2024!

This project aims to simplify the Cloud Native ecosystem by resolving information overload and fragmentation within the CNCF landscape.

Our vision is a future where developers and users can effortlessly obtain detailed, context-aware answers about CNCF projects, thereby boosting productivity and enhancing comprehension.

The development of this project follows an open-source and open-model fashion.

The folder structure is as follows: [TBD]



Dataset Preparation

LLM Fine-Tuning


Potential Impact

This project aims to become a definitive knowledge base for cloud computing, enriching the knowledge of engineers in cloud-native development and supporting the maintenance and growth of open-source projects.

Get Involved!

To get started: [TBD]