amosproj / amos2024ss08-cloud-native-llm

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Create a Chatbot on HuggingFace #79

Closed grayJiaaoLi closed 1 week ago

grayJiaaoLi commented 3 weeks ago

User story

  1. As a user
  2. I want to interact with this LLM through a chatbot interface
  3. So that I can ask questions and get answers in an intuitive way

Acceptance criteria

Definition of done (DoD)

DoD general criteria

dominic0df commented 2 weeks ago

already invested SP 05, the huggingface hardware did not provide enough ressources to run properly with the chatbot, we address this with our industry partner, but we will have to spend some more work on getting the chatbot run on huggingface or another platform

dominic0df commented 1 week ago

our industry partner will provide us with new resources that completely change the way how our model will be deployed and how it can be accessed. Therefore we should no longer invest in a Hugging Face chat bot as technologies in the new infrastructure will differ.

dominic0df commented 1 week ago

nevertheless Sp03 was spent on it in the last sprint