amosproj / amos2024ss08-cloud-native-llm

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Run Q&A Generator with the Latest Collected Data #93

Closed grayJiaaoLi closed 2 days ago

grayJiaaoLi commented 2 weeks ago

User story

  1. As a data engineer
  2. I want/need to generate Q&A pairs from the CNCF web pages and Stackoverflow row data
  3. So that our train set can be enriched

Acceptance criteria

Definition of done (DoD)

DoD general criteria

dominic0df commented 1 week ago

We encountered some issues with HPC and get significantly less resources. Computation takes ages. Christian was in contact with the Chair and HPC support but the cluster does not provide him with any output. We will have to see

dominic0df commented 1 week ago

already spent SP02, Sp03 remaining

christianwielenberg commented 1 week ago

Uploaded Q&A to Huggingface