ampache / ampache-docker

Ampache docker package
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Support for Docker Rootless mode #116

Open andzno1 opened 3 months ago

andzno1 commented 3 months ago

Currently the container does not work in Rootless mode, since the container relies on file permissions for different users (www-data, mysql). Running in Rootless mode will set the owner for all mounted files and directories to root inside the container if the mounted files on the host are owned by the user running the docker container.

When changing the owner on the host to e.g. www-data, the files inside the container will be owned by nobody:nogroup, since the files on the host are not owned by the user running the docker container.

Is there a chance to make the container work in Rootless mode?

Mirppc commented 1 month ago

This also is an issue for those who use podman instead of docker. Something as simple as ports will not work at all since port 80 is a privileged port. For Example:

podman run --name=ampache -d -v /totaly/not/porn/music:/media:ro -p 80:80 ampache/ampache

will error out with

Failed to bind port 80 (Permission denied) for option '-t 80-80:80-80', exiting

Doing the command

podman run --name=ampache -d -v /totaly/not/porn/music:/media:ro -p 8086:80 ampache/ampach will make podman not complain but the interface is not accessible in a web browser

It seems this is a rootless issue from what i could find. So the issue the original poster posted is a bit wider than just a rootless docker.

lachlan-00 commented 1 month ago

for the port i could just allow it on the container. i'm sure i've set something before where i allowed a low port for my user (been a while though)

for rootless they run as your UID? how do you determine that or do you just chmod 777 everything to allow it to run as your user?