ampache / ampache-docker

Ampache docker package
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Docker image for Ampache, a web based audio/video streaming application and file manager allowing you to access your music & videos from anywhere, using almost any internet enabled device.


Ampache 5.6.2 had to upgrade from Debian Bullseye to Bookworm.

MariaDB has been upgraded and has already caused one issue so far.

Have a look at for information about how it was solved when there was an error during the upgrade.

How to use this image

This section covers two methods for running Ampache, first with the docker run command, and then using docker-compose.

docker run

To run the current Ampache master (stable) branch:

docker run --name=ampache -d -v /path/to/your/music:/media:ro -p 80:80 ampache/ampache


This method is recommended as it creates persistent volumes for important data and makes restarting the container much easier.

If you're already using Docker Desktop for Windows or Mac then Docker Compose is included. If you are using a different version or on Linux, follow these instructions in the docker docs: Install Docker Compose

In the GitHub repository is a simple docker-compose.yml file to get started. Download the file and run this command to start an Ampache container:

docker-compose up -d

This automatically creates the following bind mounts:

Environment variables

You can configure parts of the container using environment variables. When running with docker run, you can set an environment variable using the -e parameter; for example, -e FOO=BAR sets the environemnt variable FOO to bar. When using docker-compose, you can set environment variables using a .env file in this directory.

Available environment variables are:


In the container the webserver runs as the http user (UID and GID 33). If you created the directories manually, it is important to ensure that the Ampache Configuration, and log directories are readable and writeable by that user.

chown 33:33 ./data/config -R
chown 33:33 ./data/log

Optionally, the media directory should be writable as if you wish to allow uploads.

chgrp 33 ./data/media && chmod g+w ./data/media

Image Variants

For more advanced users a few different image variants are available.


Recommended: Specifies a particular version from the Ampache master (stable) branch. Pinning Ampache to a specific version can prevent issues where you unexpectedly update a major version of Ampache with breaking changes you're not aware of.

Use something like Diun to monitor for updates to the image.


Pulls the most recent image from the Master (stable) branch


Pulls the most recent image from the Develop branch. This is generally safe to run but can break occasionally. Contains the latest features and updates.

The develop tag is set up to use git updates so you don't have to rebuild your images to stay up to date with development.


For advanced users, this provides an image without a MySQL server built-in. You must provide your own MySQL server.


The nosql image pinned to a specific version.

Running on ARM

The automated builds for the official repo are now built for linux/amd64, linux/arm/v7 and linux/arm64.


  1. Open http://localhost/install.php and click Start Configuration, then Continue
  2. On the Insert Ampache Database page:
    1. MySQL Administrative Username: admin
    2. MySQL Administrative Password: (see container output)
      • The logs will show a line like: mysql -uadmin -pjnzYXLz7cMzq -h<host> -P<port>. The password is everything after -p, in this case jnzYXLz7cMzq.
    3. Check Create Database User
    4. Ampache Database User Password: Enter anything
    5. Click Insert Database
  3. Generate Configuration File page:
    1. Click Create Config
  4. Create Admin Account page:
    1. Enter anything for Username and Password
    2. Click Create Account
  5. Ampache Update page:
    1. Click Update Now!
    2. Click [Return to main page] to login using previously entered credentials

After installation you will need to setup a catalog. Make sure to use /media as the path where your media is located.

Set the local_web_path

This applies if Ampache is running behind a reverse proxy. The following are typical error messages:

(Ampache\Module\Api\Subsonic_Api) -> Stream error: (Ampache\Module\Api\Subsonic_Api) -> Stream error: The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found

In ampache.cfg.php set local_web_path to localhost. There are various discussions and issues with more detail on this, see for example:


By default Ampache only ships with one theme built-in located at /var/www/public/themes/reborn. We want to avoid mounting the whole /themes directory otherwise the reborn theme will not be updated when the Amapche image updates. It's best to make a copy of the existing theme and then we can mount it in the /themes directory as a new theme.

Make sure that the container is already running then copy the current theme to a folder on the host:

docker run -d --name=ampache ampache/ampache
docker cp ampache:/var/www/public/themes/reborn ./data/new-theme
docker container stop ampache

Now make modifications to the theme and then start the container again this time mounting the new theme to the container:

docker run -d --name=ampache -v ./data/new-theme:/var/www/public/themes/new-theme

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